Family Issues

Burgess Introduces MIND Act to Establish Alzheimer’s Research Bonds

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When President Reagan announced that he had Alzheimer’s 4 million Americans suffered from the disease. Today, that number has grown to 5.4 million, and it is projected to afflict 10 million baby boomers. Striving to increase research funding, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas) introduced the Making Investments Now for Dementia (MIND) Act. The legislation has bipartisan co-sponsorship including Representatives Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) and Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts), and authorizes the establishment of United States Alzheimer’s Bonds, providing all Americans a way to aid in the search for a cure for this difficult and costly disease.

Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Expand Federal Disaster Resources

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) and Congressman Edolphus “Ed” Towns (NY-10) both recognize that a centerpiece of emergency response can be health care during and post crisis; and in order to strengthen the medical response capability during natural disasters, pandemics, and terrorist attacks have introduced the Dental Emergency Responder Act, H.R. 570. While dentists receive a general medical training background during their professional education, the National Health Security Strategy leaves out dental health facilities and dentists in the emergency response plan. In addition, dental schools have at times been denied the ability to play a role in disaster preparedness.

Burgess Statement on President Reagan’s 100th Birthday

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) released the following statement in honor of President Reagan’s 100th Birthday. “Today we recognize a great American, and a great man. Ronald Wilson Reagan made an early impression in the lives of many, including my own. His resolve and humor struck a chord, that still rings in the hearts of many. His presidency came during a time of great trial in our nation’s history, when inflation plagued our country, unemployment hovered close to the double digits, and communism was threatening our very way of life. Through the tough times, Reagan’s vision for the American people had a way of energizing all of us.

Burgess Reappointed to Joint Economic Committee

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) has been reappointed to the Joint Economic Committee (JEC). The JEC is a bicameral Congressional Committee composed of ten members from both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Established by the Employment Act of 1946, its main function is to make a continuing study of matters relating to the US economy.

Burgess Responds to State of the Union Address

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address: “Americans all over the country listened to President Obama’s address this evening. They are eager to hear that the recession is over, that the spending levels will go down, that job creation is on the rise and that our elected officials are listening and are willing to work together to put America back on track.

Burgess-Grassley Bill Fixes Loophole That Excludes President, Certain Staffers From Health Insurance Created By Democrats’ Health Care Reform

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Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, introduced H.R. 360, which would fix the loophole that exempts certain staff, as well as Administration officials, from being mandated to participate in the exchanges created by the Democrats’ flawed health care law. The bill has an excess of two dozen original co-sponsors.

Burgess Votes To Repeal Health Care Law

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Today the House voted on H.R. 2, which repeals the health care legislation that was signed into law last March. The legislation passed with a Roll Call vote of 245 to 189. “Health care is a crucial debate and an issue where we all wish to see improvement for the American people,” said Burgess. “The way in which the law was done in the last Congress, quickly, behind closed doors, secret deals, loopholes, drafting errors and allowing federal agencies to be created without Congressional knowledge or oversight, is not the way to achieve meaningful reform.”