Press Releases

Burgess Votes To Repeal Health Care Law

Today the House voted on H.R. 2, which repeals the health care legislation that was signed into law last March. The legislation passed with a Roll Call vote of 245 to 189. “Health care is a crucial debate and an issue where we all wish to see improvement for the American people,” said Burgess. “The way in which the law was done in the last Congress, quickly, behind closed doors, secret deals, loopholes, drafting errors and allowing federal agencies to be created without Congressional knowledge or oversight, is not the way to achieve meaningful reform.”

Burgess Votes To Repeal Health Care Law

“As a doctor and as an American, it is time that we repeal the law that was passed last year and start fresh.”

Washington, D.C. – Today the House voted on H.R. 2, which repeals the health care legislation that was signed into law last March. The legislation passed with a Roll Call vote of 245 to 189.

“Health care is a crucial debate and an issue where we all wish to see improvement for the American people,” said Burgess. “The way in which the law was done in the last Congress, quickly, behind closed doors, secret deals, loopholes, drafting errors and allowing federal agencies to be created without Congressional knowledge or oversight, is not the way to achieve meaningful reform.”

As the Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health and as Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, Dr. Burgess has been at the forefront of health care debate and will continue push for real reform.

“As a doctor and as an American, it is time that we repeal the law that was passed last year and start fresh,” Burgess continued. “We need to talk about the real issues at hand: creating a health care system that is focused on patients instead of payments, quality instead of quantity, affordability instead of cheapness, and innovation instead of stagnation. H.R. 2 is but the initial step in this direction.”

With H.R. 2 passing the House it will now move to the Senate.

 “I encourage and hope that Senator Reid will bring this important piece of legislation up for a vote,” said Burgess. “The American people should know where their elected officials stand on repealing the health care law.”

 Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor during the debate in support of the legislation. You can view the video by clicking here.
