Press Releases

Burgess Responds to State of the Union Address

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address: “Americans all over the country listened to President Obama’s address this evening. They are eager to hear that the recession is over, that the spending levels will go down, that job creation is on the rise and that our elected officials are listening and are willing to work together to put America back on track.

Burgess Responds to State of the Union Address

“The American people want leaders to take action and they want to see results.”

Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“Americans all over the country listened to President Obama’s address this evening. They are eager to hear that the recession is over, that the spending levels will go down, that job creation is on the rise and that our elected officials are listening and are willing to work together to put America back on track.

“While President Obama touched on all these issues, unfortunately we’ve heard this same song from him before. The American people want leaders to take action and they want to see results. The President and Democrats have talked about putting Americans back to work, but have failed in implementing programs to actually do this. It’s hard to believe what the President is selling when he’s promised this in the past and hasn’t delivered.

“The House is ready to deliver. We did what the American people made very clear in November by repealing the health care legislation that was signed into law last March. I urge Senator Reid to have this important legislation brought up for a vote in the Senate as the American people deserve to know where their elected officials stand on this issue. President Obama said he is eager to work with us if we have ideas - I have ideas to make health care more affordable and better and I have been and will continue to be willing to meet with him.

“As unemployment has grown and stayed above nine percent for twenty months, the American people are past frustration, and need to know that Washington is finally going to pass legislation and focus on projects that will put people back to work. I know the President wants this to happen and I hope that he will work with us to make it happen.

“To do this, we must cut spending. While President Obama has asked Congress to increase the debt limit, we must make it clear that spending cuts must come first. When households all across America are seeing where they can save money, Washington must do the same. Today the House took the first step by passing a resolution that would bring the rest of 2011 spending levels for non-defense discretionary programs down to 2008 spending levels. I believe we can even go further than that.

“I am committed to moving America forward and to do this we must focus on job creation, cutting spending and listening to the American people. I look forward to working on these issues and I hope the President will work with us to make it happen.”
