Energy and Environment

Burgess Joins House Republicans to Urge Speaker to Hold Vote on American Energy Production

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Lewisville) today joined other congressional Republicans in urging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule a vote to increase American supplies of energy. Recent polls indicate Americans are feeling the strain of rising gas prices. In fact, nearly two-thirds of Americans (62 percent) say they expect — within the next six months — to wait in long gas lines to fill up their cars; moreover, almost half (48 percent) claim to have changed their summer travel plans because of prices at the pump. Opinion research also says that large majorities of Americans favor expanding drilling for oil in offshore and wilderness areas considered to be off-limits.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

| Posted in Floor Statements

Click here to watch the video of this special order I wanted to come to the floor tonight and I guess continue what has been a theme this evening on both sides of the aisle. The theme is energy. We are hearing a lot about energy as we go home to our districts, and I am no exception. I heard a lot about energy from my constituents, I heard a lot about energy from talk radio, I heard a lot…

Gas and Grocery Prices Have Texans Honking Mad

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With no relief in sight for the rapidly rising price of groceries, gas and other necessities, several Members of Congress from North Texas met with a local company to hear how families and businesses are being impacted. Reps. Joe Barton, Michael Burgess, Kay Granger and Pete Sessions toured a Tom Thumb grocery store, met with company leaders and spoke with customers. It was another chance for the Representatives to hear the real impact the energy mess is having on all aspects of people’s lives.

House Republican Policy Committee Hosts Food vs. Fuel Roundtable Discussion

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MEDIA ALERT Domestic and global food prices have dramatically risen in the past few years, and many experts place partial blame on the U.S. dependency on corn-based ethanol fuel. Today’s roundtable discussion, moderated by Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), Vice Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, will focus on the unintentional effects certain forms of alternative…

Gambling with America's Energy

| Posted in Floor Statements

Click here to watch the video of this 5 minute floor speech Mr. Speaker, we all spend time with search engines. We all spend time with Google. You know, if you Google the term ``gambling'' you'll get millions of matches. And of course, you can't come to a Google page without seeing the Wikipedia. And if you go to Wikipedia to see about gambling, it states that ``Gambling has a specific…

Rep. Burgess Says Confronting Climate Change and Economic Growth Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE STATEMENT   Rep. Burgess Says Confronting Climate Change and Economic Growth Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive     Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas), M.D., today urged Congress and the Administration to recognize we can address climate change while also promoting growth and energy security:   “The United States proves every day…

Congressman Burgess attends Clean Diesel Technology reception

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  The Diesel Technology Forum hosted a reception November 14, 2007 in Washington, D.C., celebrating the one year anniversary of the arrival of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel. Congressman Michael Burgess (R-TX) visited the Clean Diesel Technology reception and spoke with industry leaders. The Diesel Technology Forum began in 2000 as a non-profit educational organization dedicated to…