Press Releases

Rep. Burgess Says Confronting Climate Change and Economic Growth Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive

WASHINGTON, DC, January 17, 2008 | Alison Lynn ((202) 225 - 7772)




Rep. Burgess Says Confronting Climate Change and Economic Growth Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive



Washington, D.C. –Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas), M.D., today urged Congress and the Administration to recognize we can address climate change while also promoting growth and energy security:


“The United States proves every day that we can walk and chew gum at the same time.  In other words, we can do a whole host of things well every day.  That should be our approach to climate change.  There is no reason that we cannot confront climate change while boosting our economy and promoting energy security at the same time.”



Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., practiced medicine as an OB-GYN in North Texas for nearly three decades before coming to Washington, D.C., to represent the 26th District of Texas.  He serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and four of its subcommittees:  Oversight and Investigations, Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, Health, and Energy and Air Quality.  He is also the Vice Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.

