Energy and Environment

Rep. Burgess Statement On Cap And Trade Legislation

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement today, as the Committee began to mark up HR 2454, the Democrats’ cap and trade bill: “This bill – in its current form, in its draft form, or in any form – may do more harm to our economy than any bill that will come before Congress this year, and perhaps any other bill in my lifetime.

The Consequences of “Cap and Tax”

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President Obama and Democrat leaders in Congress expect to raise billions of dollars through an unprecedented “cap and tax” proposal. With this money, they plan to accomplish many of their campaign promises and long-standing party goals – health care and education reform, to name a few. And they may just get their way. Their proposal will raise taxes on American businesses and…

North Texas lawmakers set their agendas for 111th Congress

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The economy. Healthcare. National defense. These are among the issues expected to dominate the 111th Congress, which convenes today. But local issues — from getting a ship named after Fort Worth to ensuring that a new Veterans Affairs clinic in Fort Worth opens in 2010 — will have their own time and place, legislators say. "I hope that we all work together," said Rep. Kay…

Burgess Refuses to Support Partisan “All Symbolic, No Substance” Energy Policy Gimmick

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U.S. Representative Michael Burgess (R-Texas) today issued the following statement after voting against the Democrat-majority’s “all symbolic, no substance” energy legislation. Right now in places like Galveston and Houston, gas lines and shortages are leaving Texans high and dry. While people there are hurting, here in Washington the Democrat-controlled Congress is doing nothing about it. Instead, they’re playing partisan games with our energy supply and policy.

Rep. Burgess protests House shutdown

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Most people are aware that the Speaker of the House turned out the lights at the Halls of Congress and adjourned for a five-week summer recess. Instead of allowing an up or down vote on offshore drilling and alternative energy sources, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democratic majority, decided to close down until September. Well, our local Congressman, Michael Burgess, (R-26th Dist. Lewisville) took the lead last week in urging members of the House of Representatives to stay on the floor of the Congress to protest the decision made by Speaker Pelosi.

The Democrats' Energy Socialism

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In the name of protecting the environment from increased gas consumption, Democratic leaders oppose the price-cutting strategy of more off-shore drilling while concurrently arguing that OPEC should do it for us. Doesn't this neutralize the very environmental protection they're hoping to secure by opposing domestic drilling?

Congressman Gives a Plug to 'Paris Hilton Plan' in Energy Debate

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Texas Rep. Michael Burgess gave the socialite unexpected clout in the raging policy feud on Capitol Hill on Thursday, urging colleagues to consider the energy plan she proposed in a mock campaign ad. "Even Paris Hilton had an energy plan that she's talking about," Burgess told reporters, as he and other House Republicans continued to protest Democrats who blocked a vote on offshore oil drilling before breaking for a five-week recess.