Burgess in the News

Congressman Gives a Plug to 'Paris Hilton Plan' in Energy Debate

Texas Rep. Michael Burgess gave the socialite unexpected clout in the raging policy feud on Capitol Hill on Thursday, urging colleagues to consider the energy plan she proposed in a mock campaign ad. "Even Paris Hilton had an energy plan that she's talking about," Burgess told reporters, as he and other House Republicans continued to protest Democrats who blocked a vote on offshore oil drilling before breaking for a five-week recess.

Texas Rep. Michael Burgess gave the socialite unexpected clout in the raging policy feud on Capitol Hill on Thursday, urging colleagues to consider the energy plan she proposed in a mock campaign ad. "Even Paris Hilton had an energy plan that she's talking about," Burgess told reporters, as he and other House Republicans continued to protest Democrats who blocked a vote on offshore oil drilling before breaking for a five-week recess. ...more