
Rep. Michael Burgess: Biden-Sanders bill is a socialist spending scam

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"I am trying to stop a friend from writing a $5 trillion hot check." Words that echoed throughout the room during this week’s Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing. My words, simple and concise, hit on the reason Republicans are fighting to prevent the Democrats’ latest spending spree – the Build Back Better Act. If we are honest, the bill should be known as the…

Modern Healthcare: Real healthcare solutions cannot be one-size-fits-all

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We all know the stories of immigrants coming to this country seeking a better life. I have a personal one about my dad. He was a young surgeon who moved from Canada to Rochester, Minnesota, after World War II to work at the Mayo Clinic. My dad witnessed the perils of socialized medicine and how it damaged the relationship between Canadian patients and their doctors. I followed him into…

Energy solutions are tied to economic growth

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ANALYSIS/OPINION: Due the success of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed in developing safe and effective coronavirus vaccines, America’s economy is starting to recover from one of the worst economic crises in our history. Just as it was after the 2008 financial crisis, a key factor to this recovery is our energy sector. In recent years, innovative technologies have enabled…

The Motorcycle Caucus Weighs in on Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

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With the weather warming up and more people receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, millions of Americans will venture out and take to the open roads to enjoy the thrill of a motorcycle ride. May is designated as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Throughout this month the motorcycle community promotes safe driving habits and encourages…

Everyone should take advantage of historic development of COVID-19 vaccines

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One year ago, if you had asked public health experts if there would be a safe and effective vaccine to protect us against the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) less than 12 months after learning about this novel virus, they would have declared it unlikely and pointed to the lengthy approval process for prior vaccines. Had you told them there would be not one but three safe and highly…

The science is there — COVID-19 vaccines' development did not cut corners

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Today’s doctors and nurses have access to medical tools, therapies, and cures that I could only dream about when I was in medical school. Between my time as a physician and as a congressman, I have witnessed several public health crises, including bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, and Zika, but never a health crisis as globally devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic. Equally so, I have not…

Science and not teachers unions should guide decision-making on schools reopening

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According to available data, schools can, and should, safely reopen By Brad Wenstrup, Andy Harris, Michael Burgess and Mariannette Miller-Meeks Democratic leaders have spent months promising to “listen to the scientists;” however, when it comes to reopening schools and getting children back to in-person learning, their actions do not match their words. Being both physicians and…

Rep. Burgess: The path to nuking carbon emissions goes through Yucca Mountain

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by Rep. Michael Burgess Originally published in the Dallas Morning News Congress’ responsibility is simple: write, pass and ensure the faithful enactment of laws. When it comes to providing America with a clean energy future, Congress has fallen short of its responsibility. In 1987, through the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, the Department of Energy was entrusted to build and operate a…