
Op-ed: Rebound must be fueled by comprehensive energy infrastructure


Op-ed: Rebound must be fueled by comprehensive energy infrastructure

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Asked by the Washington Times, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) penned on op-ed focused on the future of energy policy in our country.

Rebound must be fueled by comprehensive energy infrastructure
By Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.
The Washington Times
April 22, 2021

Read the full op-ed here.

Shortly after being sworn into office, President Biden used the power of the pen to weaken America’s energy independence by rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and killing the Keystone XL pipeline. Without a robust energy sector and the necessary infrastructure to sustain it, our nation is likely to see higher energy costs and a sluggish economic recovery from this pandemic. To meet America’s energy demands, provide jobs, and reduce environmental impacts, we must build more a comprehensive energy infrastructure, not less.

When it broke that the President planned to unilaterally halt the Keystone XL pipeline, news outlets were flooded with stories about the tens of thousands of jobs that would either be lost or never come to fruition. A top union leader, Richard Trumka, said in an interview, “If you’re looking at a [Keystone XL] pipeline and you’re saying we’re going to put it down, now what are you going to do to create the same good-paying jobs in that area?” While the long-term impacts of anti-energy policies are perhaps the most concerning, we cannot forget the immediate impact they have on employment during today’s economy. In response to where Keystone XL pipeline workers could find new employment climate czar John Kerry, in a Marie Antoinette ‘let them eat cake’ moment, retorted they can just make solar panels. He completely neglected the fact that renewable industries do not match the quantity of jobs or the wages of traditional oil and gas jobs. Recent reports on labor trends in the energy sector suggest that oil and gas extraction jobs make double that of solar and wind installation jobs. Does anyone really think this is a fair trade? Also, these “new jobs” are in different regions of the country. Are they all supposed to uproot their lives and move another part of the country?

That leaves the problem of where to source energy? Without pipelines, oil and gas must be shipped via railcar or truck. Besides being a safer mode of transportation, pipelines are better for the environment than alternative methods of shipping that contribute to air pollution by emitting much greater volumes of carbon dioxide. The efficiency of transporting fuel by pipeline adds up to significant improvements to our environment, ensuring Americans can live healthy and full lives.

America is making a comeback from the current public health emergency, and its rebound must be fueled by affordable, reliable energy. This cannot be accomplished without more comprehensive energy infrastructure. Both sides of the aisle agree that clean energy is a priority for our nation, but destroying an industry that provides millions of jobs is not the way ahead.
