Burgess in the News

What Happened To The AMA's Clout? (audio)

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The American Medical Association likes to call itself the voice of medicine. But lately it seems to be getting laryngitis. Long one of the lobbying titans in the halls of Congress, the AMA is now just another voice in the cacophony of medical interest groups. And while it's still the largest physician group, the AMA represents an increasingly smaller percentage of the nation's…

Doctors on Hill seek voice in reform debate

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A recent upswing in the number of physicians in Congress has encouraged Republican doctors to organize their own health reform caucus. Last November, U.S. voters elected four new physician-representatives, putting more physicians in Congress now than in at least the past 20 years. The 16 doctors in Congress find themselves on the job in a year when health care expertise is a hot…

MedPAC: Medicare Must Reinvent Its Payment Sytems to Improve Quality, Save Money

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A low-profile commission that advises Congress on Medicare has renewed its call for lawmakers to reinvent from the ground up the way doctors, hospitals and other providers are paid. The commission's annual report, released today, repeated its 2008 recommendation, saying, "To increase value for beneficiaries and taxpayers, the Medicare program must overcome the limitations of its…

Letter to the Editor: Probing financial crisis

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Tags: Economy

Re: "Regulatory Meltdown -- Who's to blame? Congress can't tell us," Tuesday Editorials. I couldn't agree more on the need for a bipartisan 9/11 commission-type investigation into the breakdown of our country's financial system. I introduced a bill, HR 2111, the Congressional Commission on Financial Accountability and Preparedness Act, which would create such a commission.…

First, do no harm

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When I first took my oath as a physician back in 1977, I vowed to “first, do no harm.” I’m beginning to wonder why members of Congress are not required to take the same oath. There are so many proposals floating around Congress these days that would surely do more harm than good. Cap-and-trade comes to mind. But perhaps more dangerous is the idea of a public “government” plan. I did…

Opening Keynote: Get involved, says Congressman Burgess

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Better patient care leading to healthier patients, improved outcomes and decreased cost is a bipartisan, uniform goal, declares Congressman Michael Burgess, MD (Texas-26). To reach that lofty goal, however, all stakeholders need to get involved, the four-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Ob/Gyn with 25 years of practicing medicine will tell attendees at his opening…

Lawmakers, Administration Officials React To Employment Numbers

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Tags: Economy

Lawmakers reacted to the better than expected employment numbers Friday, continuing to express concerns about the rising unemployment rate. Employment fell by much less than expected in the month of May, according to a report released by the Labor Department, although the unemployment rate rose more than expected to reach a new twenty-five year high. The report revealed that while…

Health plans abound for Republicans

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Senate conservatives have a bill. House moderates have a bill. The House GOP study group is looking at writing one. So is a group of physicians in the House. Then on Monday, New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg put in his own plan. Republicans have no shortage of ideas about how to tackle the issue of health reform. What they don’t have is agreement — between the Senate and the House or…

Conservative Response: Free-Marketers Strain to Be Heard

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When free-market advocates gathered recently for a conference call to discuss the coming health care debate in Congress, the outlook was so grim it drove one participant straight to his computer to lament the situation. “I have never seen the free-market proponents in a debate as discouraged as they are over health care,” Greg Scandlen, a health expert at the Heartland Institute,…

Politex: The doctor gets a doctorate

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Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, was getting ready to give the commencement address May 16 at the University of North Texas Health Science Center when he got word that he, too, was getting a degree. "I was really surprised," said Burgess, a medical doctor who was pleased to learn of his honorary degree, Doctor of Public Service. "Dr. Burgess has been a great contributor to our…