
Burgess: OSHA Vaccine Mandate is unnecessary and harmful

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement criticizing the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate on private employers, health care workers, and federal contractors. While Burgess is confident in the safety and efficacy of each of the COVID-19 vaccines, this is a decision that must be left between patients and their trusted doctors. “With this decision, the Biden Administration has chosen to alienate instead of unite," said Burgess. "Americans should have a choice in whether or not they receive a vaccine, and those who are not comfortable s... Read More »

Op-ed: Fox News: Rep. Michael Burgess: Biden-Sanders bill is a socialist spending scam

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) wrote an op-ed for detailing the socialist spending scam Democrats are trying to push through Congress and on the American people. Biden-Sanders bill is a socialist spending scam By Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. Fox October 28, 2021 "I am trying to stop a friend from writing a $5 trillion hot check." Words that echoed throughout the room during this week’s Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing. My words, simple and concise, hit on the reason Republicans are fighting to prevent the Democrats’ la... Read More »

A Doctor's Note: This week in Washington

Dear Friends, In case you missed last Friday, I joined Grant Stinchfield to discuss my view on vaccine mandates and how the Biden Administration has used the vaccine to alienate instead of unite. Americans should have a choice in whether or not they receive a vaccine, and those who are not comfortable should not be called out or isolated. Maybe if the President stuck to his promise to unite our country instead of continuing to divide it, we would be in a different situation. I mentioned to Liz MacDonald on Fox Business' The Evening Edit that the vaccines have been helpful, and quite frankly ma... Read More »

ICMY: Burgess to Liz MacDonald - Mandates drive unnecessary opposition

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), joined Fox Business' The Evening Edit last night. Highlights: "Now here’s the problem, while the vaccines have been helpful, mandates are not. In fact mandates have been destructive, they drive oppositional behavior. We know this because of previous history when other vaccines were mandated. It has not worked as intended." "So, look, this virus has humbled a lot of people who thought they knew what was going on, myself included, and my plea to people in the public health space is don’t come across as being so darn sure all the tim... Read More »

Burgess/Rush put forward bipartisan solutions for health care providers

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) and Congressman Bobby L. Rush, (D-Ill.) introduced H.R. 5612 to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for a one-year waiver of budget neutrality adjustments under the Medicare physician fee schedule, and for other purposes. This legislation will provide critical relief to physicians and health care providers facing the looming Medicare payment cuts by using unobligated funds from the Provider Relief Fund to offset cost. “Already faced with financial strain due to COVID-19, health care providers should not be face... Read More »

Burgess to Maria Bartiromo: I shouldn’t speculate but look all I know is it’s wrong, it’s not working"

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), joined Fox Business' Mornings with Maria this morning to discuss the ongoing crises generated by the Biden Administration. Highlights: "Well look, there are multiple crises going on simultaneously most of them right now appear to be self-inflicted by the Biden administration. There was no reason to stop the work on the wall on January 21st other than they wanted to make a point." "Even though we are in the minority on the House side, we are not in the minority by much and if we do stick together - we can stop some things. We stopp... Read More »

Burgess speaks on House Floor about Debt Limit

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), delivered the following remarks today on the House floor against raising the debt limit. As Prepared for Delivery: "This rule self-executes a $480 billion increase to the debt limit. The federal debt limit began in 1917 and has required raising over 100 times since then. "The problem isn’t whether we should increase our debt limit, it is that we must issue debt at all. Debts are issued to cover the difference between revenues and outlays. When you spend more than you make, you have to find a way to pay for that spending. "Republic... Read More »

Burgess to Pallone: E&C has a responsibility to conduct oversight

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, sent a letter to Chairman Pallone yesterday asking that the Committee do its job and conduct oversight on the implementation of the American Rescue Plan. There have been numerous reports that localities have only spent 2.5% of the $350 billion and some funds are not going towards COVID-19 response needs. "I urge you to hold a hearing on the implementation of the American Rescue Plan, so that we may fulfil the oversight responsibilities of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Nearly... Read More »

Burgess: Continuing Resolutions are not Appropriate

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement after voting against the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 3, 2021. “Voting against the Continuing Resolution is not an easy decision, but recently, I have not been able to get a meaningful response back from any federal agency," said Burgess. "This is unacceptable. Federal agencies are authorized and appropriated money by Congress. Our nation is facing numerous crises. Receiving a generic automatic reply does not allow for me or other Members of Congress to provide answ... Read More »

A Doctor's Note on Democrats Spending Bill

Dear Friends, This week, I joined Fox Business' The Evening Edit to discuss the disastrous, partisan $3.5 trillion spending bill being put forward by Democrats. The biggest headline from this interview is the question of who will actually pay for this spending and tax spree. This will be 84 months of the future earnings of America, American citizens, and in fact our great, great grandchildren are going to be paying for this if they’re [Democrats] successful. Last week, the Energy and Commerce Committee spent a record 59 hours marking up this bill, where we made the Dems go on record for their ... Read More »