
ICYMI: Burgess fights for American seniors and doctors

Washington, D.C. – Last night, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) went to the House Floor to fight for American seniors and doctors as House Democrats worked to place a band-aid on Medicare reimbursement rates instead of a more permanent solution. His full remarks here: 'I'm on the Energy and Commerce Committee. I’m on the Budget Committee. I’m on the Rules Committee. I’m also a co-chair of the House Republican Doctors Caucus. Last week, the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, asked if he could come and talk to us. We made it a bipartisan meeting - including Democr... Read More »

Burgess: Ignoring bipartisan efforts is legislative malpractice

Washington, D.C. – After days of bipartisan negotiations, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Democrats chose to ignore these good-faith efforts and jeopardize legislation that could provide a solution to pay our health care providers and protect the access to care American seniors expect. Instead, Congressional Democrats chose to tie this legislation to increasing the debt ceiling to support their careless, partisan spending. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), could not vote in support of legislation that stripped bipartisan solutions and ignored the need for meaningful provider payment refor... Read More »

Burgess supports the National Defense Authorization Act

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement after voting in support of adopting the conference report for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). “Tonight, America witnessed Congress work according to the needs of the American people,” said Burgess. “The conference report continues the historic example of bipartisanship to authorize defense programs and funding in the NDAA. In the Constitution, Congress is given the power of the purse and the responsibility to provide for the common defense. I am pleased that this report removed sever... Read More »

Burgess: Continuing Resolutions are not Appropriate to run a Country in Crisis

Washington, D.C. – After voting against the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through February 18, 2022, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), released the following statement. “Today, during the Rules Committee hearing on this legislation, I brought up the difficulty of receiving even a phone call back from any federal agency. This is unacceptable,” said Burgess. “Further, Democrats keeping pushing social spending without considering the cost for the American taxpayer. Americans are struggling to pay for the gas just to get to the grocery store and are even more discouraged ... Read More »

Burgess Votes Against Socialist Spending Scam

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), the Republican Leader’s Designee to the Budget Committee, voted against the Democrats’ Socialist Spending Scam, known as the Build Back Better Act. “The Democrats’ Socialist Spending Scam will fundamentally change life in America for every citizen,” said Burgess. “According to the Congressional Budget Office, this bill has a gross cost of $2.5 trillion, will result in a ten-year deficit of $367 billion and a five-year deficit increase of $792 billion. Democrats claim this bill is paid for, but three of its titles exceed their budg... Read More »

A Doctor's Note on Fighting and Leading

Dear Friends, At the end of October, the New York Times reported that this year’s Thanksgiving could be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday. Across the country, hardworking American families are getting crunched by the policies of the Biden Administration. This “turkey tax” is just one more example of how more government spending creates a hidden tax on Americans. I remember this summer when the White House boasted that Americans would save 16 cents on this year’s July 4th BBQ. It is a shame that I needed that change to pay for the gas I used to go to the grocery to prep for ... Read More »

GOP Doctors Caucus Members Pressure Administration on Surprise Billing Rule

WASHINGTON – Members from the GOP Doctors Caucus sent a letter on Friday to Secretary Becerra, Secretary Walsh, Secretary Yellen, and Director Ahuja expressing concern over the implementation of the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management’s Interim Final Rule (IFR) entitled “Requirements Related to Surprise Billing; Part II.” “The No Surprises Act was the result of two years of bipartisan, bicameral deliberations and negotiation on solutions to protect patients from surprise medical billing and create a balanced process for providers an... Read More »

A Doctor's Note on a Socialist Spending Scam

Dear Friends, In case you missed it, last Friday the House of Representatives set the records for the longest and second longest votes held open on the House floor. For both votes I spent the day fighting for you on the House floor. During my 16 hours on the floor I did a parliamentary inquiry to ask why the votes were being held open when it was clear consensus had been reached. What are Speaker Pelosi and Progressives trying to hide from Americans? It must be the reality that this legislation will not cost zero dollars. We all remember the famed words of Speaker Pelosi – "we have to pass the... Read More »

Burgess fights against Democrats’ Socialist Spending Scams on House Floor

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), the Republican Leader’s Designee to the Budget Committee, spent the majority of Friday on the House Floor fighting against the socialist spending scams House Democrats are working to shove on the American people. “America watched as members across the aisle clamored that they needed a Congressional Budget Office score in order to vote for the Build Back Better Act,” said Burgess. “So, I begged to ask the question – what are Speaker Pelosi and Progressives trying to hide from Americans? It must be the reality that this legislation... Read More »

Burgess: Build Back Better is just a Progressive Payment Plan

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), the Republican Leader's designee to the House Budget Committee, delivered the following opening remarks while managing the House Floor debate on the Rule for the Democrats' socialist spending scam known as The Build Back Better Act. As Prepared for Delivery: "This rule provides for consideration of H.R. 5376, the Democrats' so-called Build Back Better Act. The final text of this bill does not have a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score, has not been available for more than 24 hours, and does not provide for the American people.... Read More »