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Op-ed: Fox News: Rep. Michael Burgess: Biden-Sanders bill is a socialist spending scam

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) wrote an op-ed for detailing the socialist spending scam Democrats are trying to push through Congress and on the American people.

Biden-Sanders bill is a socialist spending scam
By Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 
October 28, 2021

"I am trying to stop a friend from writing a $5 trillion hot check." Words that echoed throughout the room during this week’s Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing.

My words, simple and concise, hit on the reason Republicans are fighting to prevent the Democrats’ latest spending spree – the Build Back Better Act. If we are honest, the bill should be known as the Socialist Spending Scam Act of 2021. Here is the simple truth.


America is in a Democrat-induced crisis. Putting forward this "Bernie Budget" while ignoring input from the minority party or the American people is legislative malpractice. While the committees of jurisdiction marked up pieces of the proposal, the version passed out of the Budget Committee doesn’t matter because it continues to be renegotiated by Democratic House leadership, the Progressive Caucus, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and is now being rewritten by the House Rules Committee....

During a Rules Committee hearing this year, I raised not just my own concerns about how this amount of government spending would affect the current rise in inflation, but also similar points made by Larry Summers, a former economic adviser to Presidents Clinton and Obama. Just looking on Twitter this week, you can see his warning to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen "that we are more at risk of losing control of inflation than at any time in my career."

Further, this spending spree is not free, contrary to the claims of President Biden and Pelosi that it will cost zero dollars by not adding to the deficit. The reality is the cost will be a historic tax increase on American families and small businesses totaling nearly $2.1 trillion. 

Raising taxes to pay for a partisan spending spree may be deficit neutral, but it is certainly not debt-neutral or considerate of hardworking Americans.

Republicans can in no way support this expressway to socialism. Passing the "Socialist Spending Scam" Act encourages further division in Washington, sustains the desire for backroom deals, and sidelines half of Congress so that the People’s House is no longer representing every American.

Read the entire op-ed here.