Committee Statements

Discussion Drafts concerning Energy Efficiency, Smart Electricity Grid, Energy Policy Act of 2005 Title XVII Loan Guarantees, and Standby Loans for Coal-to-Liquids Projects

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  I'd also like to thank you for your willingness to work with the minority as we craft energy independence legislation.

We've had a number of hearings over the last few months, including one on Smart Grid and another on the Department of Energy Loan Guarantee Program.

The potential energy savings in a smart grid system are enormous. But we must be careful not to inadvertently establish policies that artificially slow deployment of these technologies.

In Dallas, there is robust deployment of SmartGrid technology by Mr. Birnbaum's company, Current Group, which is testifying before us today. Mr. Birnbaum, I look forward to hearing your testimony today about what's going on down in Dallas.

I would hope that after our hearing on the Loan Guarantee program that DOE has received the Committee's message loud and clear that 80 percent means 80 percent, but there is a provision on this discussion draft clarifies Congressional intent.

We have also heard from DOE, as I expect we'll hear again today, about the status of appliance efficiency standards. In the discussion draft before us, there are a number of new appliance standards proposed.

While I fully support efforts to make our appliances more efficient, I am a bit concerned about adding new standards on top of the existing backlog. I would like to hear from DOE today whether the process changes made in the discussion draft will help to offset the new requirements.

In conclusion, I thank the Chairman again for today's hearing.