Press Releases

"Vehicle and Fuels Technology: Next Generation"



"Vehicle and Fuels Technology: Next Generation"

May 24, 2006

Mr. Chairman, thank you for convening this hearing today.

In recent months, and indeed since Hurricane Katrina reminded us how perilously dependent and accustomed we have become, as a nation, to cheap oil and gasoline, there have been dozens of hearings, held in multiple committees, on both sides of the Capitol, on the subject of high gasoline prices.

I continue to believe that the most important thing that we can do to alleviate high gas prices in the short term is to increase domestic supply of crude oil. We should allow, and in fact encourage, exploration and production here at home. This includes traditional exploration and development in the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as well as non-traditional sources like oil shale.

But in the mid to long term, we need to look at other solutions. Since the transportation sector consumes the lion's share of oil used in the United States, the future of transportation will play a vital role in weaning our addition to foreign oil.

It is no secret that I am an avid supporter of hybrid vehicles, but I am looking forward to hearing the panelists discuss the other types of vehicle technologies as well as the other possible motor fuels.

I'd like to thank our panelists again for giving up their time to testify before us this morning. And with that, Mr. Chairman, I yield back.