Press Releases

Burgess Legislation Expands Federal Disaster Resources

In February, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) introduced the Dental Emergency Responder Act, H.R. 570. Today, it passed the House by a vote of 401 to 12. “Today Congress fixed a technical oversight that kept dentists and dental schools from being included in emergency response plans,” said Dr. Burgess. “Dentists are a vital part of our health care communities and receive a sound general medical background during their professional education.”

Burgess Legislation Expands Federal Disaster Resources

“Dentists are a vital part of our health care communities and receive a sound general medical background during their professional education.”

Washington, D.C. – In February, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) introduced the Dental Emergency Responder Act, H.R. 570. Today, it passed the House by a vote of 401 to 12.

“Today Congress fixed a technical oversight that kept dentists and dental schools from being included in emergency response plans,” said Dr. Burgess. “Dentists are a vital part of our health care communities and receive a sound general medical background during their professional education.”

While dentists receive a general medical training background during their professional education, the National Health Security Strategy leaves out dental health facilities and dentists in the emergency response plan. In addition, dental schools have at times been denied the ability to play a role in disaster preparedness. The Dental Emergency Responder Act incorporates dentistry by name into the federal disaster response framework.

“In the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or public health emergency, traditional medical delivery systems can become overwhelmed,” said Dr. Burgess.  “In these situations it is vital that states work with all qualified and licensed providers to ensure a volunteer workforce to assist. Dentists and dental school are equipped to take patient medical histories, administer injections, and triage patients.”

The bill puts no restrictions on mandates on the states, but provides additional resources in planning. Additionally, it clarifies that dentists may be considered voluntary disaster response public health workers and that states can incorporate dentists and dental facilities, at their option, into their planning.

The Dental Emergency Responder Act is deficit neutral and is endorsed by the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and the Organized Dental Coalition.

“With its quick action on H.R. 570, the House today acknowledged the advanced education and expertise of the nation’s dentists, fully trained doctors whose volunteered skills would be immeasurably valuable in a coordinated response to a disaster,” said Raymond Gist, D.D.S., president of the American Dental Association. “We thank Congressman Burgess for his commitment to this legislation.”

The legislation will now move to the Senate for debate and a vote.
