Press Releases

Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Expand Federal Disaster Resources

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) and Congressman Edolphus “Ed” Towns (NY-10) both recognize that a centerpiece of emergency response can be health care during and post crisis; and in order to strengthen the medical response capability during natural disasters, pandemics, and terrorist attacks have introduced the Dental Emergency Responder Act, H.R. 570. While dentists receive a general medical training background during their professional education, the National Health Security Strategy leaves out dental health facilities and dentists in the emergency response plan. In addition, dental schools have at times been denied the ability to play a role in disaster preparedness.

Bipartisan Legislation Introduced to Expand Federal Disaster Resources

“This legislation will allow America to move one step forward in strengthening medical responses.”

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) and Congressman Edolphus “Ed” Towns (NY-10) both recognize that a centerpiece of emergency response can be health care during and post crisis; and in order to strengthen the medical response capability during natural disasters, pandemics, and terrorist attacks have introduced the Dental Emergency Responder Act, H.R. 570.

While dentists receive a general medical training background during their professional education, the National Health Security Strategy leaves out dental health facilities and dentists in the emergency response plan. In addition, dental schools have at times been denied the ability to play a role in disaster preparedness.

“Dentists and dental schools are a vital part of our health care community, and I’m mystified that a technical oversight has kept them from being included in the emergency response plans,” said Dr. Burgess. “They have the education and resources that can allow them to play a crucial role in assisting in natural disasters, pandemics, or terrorist attacks, and should be given the opportunity to do so. This legislation will allow America to move one step forward in strengthening medical responses.”

The Dental Emergency Responder Act would incorporate dentistry by name into the federal disaster response framework. The bill puts no restrictions on mandates on the states, but provides additional resources in planning. Additionally, it would clarify that dentists may be considered voluntary disaster response public health workers and that states can incorporate dentists and dental facilities, at their option, into their planning.

“Our government must take advantage of all available resources to provide an effective response in a time of crisis,” Rep. Towns stated.  “I am proud to be co-leading the effort to pass the Dental Emergency Responder Act, an initiative that will bring the dental profession into America’s emergency relief efforts. America’s dentists have extensive education, training, and professionalism, but we must do more than merely recognize this fact.  We must take advantage of it.”

The Dental Emergency Responder Act is deficit neutral and is endorsed by the American Dental Association. 

“Dentists are fully trained doctors,” said Dr. Raymond Gist, president of the American Dental Association. “With proper preparatory training in disaster response they can be invaluable assets in the community response to both man-made and natural disasters.”
