Burgess in the News

Burgess presses escrow fund administrator over salary from BP

Dallas Morning News (blog), Melanie Mason , July 27, 2010
Lewisville Rep. Michael Burgess raised questions Tuesday that the BP was paying the salary of the administrator of the $20 billion escrow fund for damage claims from the Gulf oil spill.

In a hearing, Burgess asked Ken Feinberg if his salary from BP for administering the fund would create conflicts of interest.

"Do you see any difficulty in maintaining the independence with them holding the title of 'paymaster?'" Burgess asked.

Feinberg responded that he did not see difficulty in remaning independent.

"I certainly do see the implication of your question, which is there could be a perception that since BP is paying, shouldn't we have more transparency or full disclosure? And I agree with that," Feinberg added.

Feinberg previously declined to disclose the sum he would receive from BP. But the Associated Press reports that he now plans to reveal his salary in the coming weeks, after the fund has an operational budget.

NOTE: To view the original article, click here.