Press Releases

Ranking Member Burgess' Statement On O&I Field Hearing On The Local Effects Of The Oil Spill

"I appreciate St. Bernard Parish in Chalmette, Louisiana for hosting the Subcommittee’s field hearing, and I appreciate the witnesses for coming and speaking to Members. It is important for us to assess the local effects of this devastating oil spill and hear from the locals directly, outside of the Washington echo chamber.

"The field hearing was immensely useful and informative. The main takeaway points that stood out to me are:

  1. The environmental impact is enormous, but so is the economic impact.
  2. The federal government must ensure that BP is providing the locals everything they require – monetary compensation for all of those affected, such as those in the fishing, tourism, and oil industries; protective gear for those working on clean-up efforts; and the resources to protect the areas still unaffected, among others. 
  3. It is clear the BP is not doing a sufficient job, so it is the federal government’s job to make sure BP is acting appropriately. 
  4. Congress and the President must not rush to judgment on the future of offshore drilling. One witness stated that offshore drilling accounts for 75-80 percent of her small Louisiana town’s jobs. Witnesses said less offshore drilling would devastate the local economies of not only Coastal Louisiana, but also the economies of other Gulf Coast communities who rely on offshore drilling and oil rig jobs. 
  5. With regards to safety, the witnesses stated that they believe there are already an adequate number of safety rules and regulations in place for offshore drilling. The problem, based on their testimony, lies in the safety rules and regulations not being adequately enforced. This must change. Moving forward, safety should be the top priority of the Congress as we consider action, and of the oil companies who drill offshore."

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, and a member of the Health and Energy & Environment subcommittees. He is also a member of the bipartisan, bicameral Joint Economic Committee. Prior to becoming a member of Congress in 2002, Congressman Burgess practiced medicine in North Texas for over 25 years.