Burgess in the News

Lawmakers Want Oil Spill Documents

Leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee today asked the Interior Department for documents related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

In a letter to Interior Secretary Salazar, the lawmakers are asking for documents from the Minerals Management Service that concern the review of the well construction and preparation procedures associated with the drilling operations at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The documents should be handed over within two weeks, the letter said.

Signers include House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, ranking member Joe Barton, Energy and Commerce Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Bart Stupak, D-Mich., Oversight Subcommittee ranking member Michael Burgess, R-Texas, and two Louisiana lawmakers who are members of the full committee: Democratic Rep. Charlie Melancon and Republican Rep. Steve Scalise.

The oversight subcommittee is holding a field hearing Monday in Louisiana on the local impacts of the oil spill.

The letter comes after the Justice Department this week opened a federal investigation into whether BP broke any laws leading up to the rig explosion. Those involved in the oil spill response efforts have argued that MMS has been lax on its oversight duties related to offshore oil and natural gas development. For its part, BP officials maintain that the company has followed regulation and safety procedures in a manner consistent with the oil and gas industry at large.

In the aftermath of the oil spill, which began on April 20, the Obama administration pledged to abolish MMS and replace it with three separate agencies that delineate more clearly the revenue-collecting role with that of the leasing and operation roles of the Interior Department.