Energy and Environment

Climate Change: Perspectives of Utility CEOs

| Posted in Committee Statements

Thank you Mr. Chairman, for convening this hearing today. Two weeks ago, this subcommittee we held a hearing on carbon capture and sequestration technology. We heard from a variety of witnesses regarding the status of the technology and what steps must be taken for full-scale deployment; we also heard about the potential costs. Last week, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

Climate Change: State and Local Perspectives

| Posted in Committee Statements

  Thank you, Mr. Chairman for holding this hearing. And I'd like to thank the panel for taking time out of their extremely busy schedules to appear before us today. Some States and regions are moving towards a cap-and-trade scheme for greenhouse gases. Some, like Texas, are not. California is working on a system now after its law was passed last year. Yet, Texas has surpassed…

Climate Change and Energy Security: Perspectives from the Auto Industry

| Posted in Press Releases

  Thank you, Mr. Chairman for holding this hearing. And I'd like to thank the panel for taking time out of their extremely busy schedules to appear before us today. I noted that, in your written statements, all of you appear to be supportive of alternative fueled vehicles, including biodiesel, and hybrid technology. I am the proud owner of a hybrid vehicle and have the…

The Environmental Protection Agency's Budget Request for Fiscal year 2008

| Posted in Press Releases

  One of my most important responsibilities as a Member of Congress is to ensure that my constituents' tax dollars are being spent wisely. It is for that reason that I look forward to the ongoing debate about our national funding priorities. Administrator Johnson, thank you for appearing before us this morning. As we begin the Fiscal Year 2008 appropriations cycle, it will be…

Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a Warming of the Planet

| Posted in Press Releases

  Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for convening this hearing. I think informative hearings, such as this morning's science hearing, are extremely helpful -- indeed, essential -- to the legislative process. I am glad that we were able to reschedule this hearing, which was canceled due to an ice storm, but remain a bit puzzled why this was not our first hearing. Instead of…

“Carbon Capture and Sequestration: An Overview”

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  Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing: “Carbon Capture and Sequestration: An Overview” March 6, 2007 Thank you, Mr. Chairman for convening today's hearing on carbon capture and sequestration. As we've begun to debate the issue of global climate change, there has been a lot of discussion about carbon capture and sequestration and the potential promise that it holds…

The March Burgess Bulletin

| Posted in Monthly Burgess Bulletin

  Please do not respond to this email. To contact Congressman Burgess, use the "Write Your Rep" service. If you would to be removed from our email distribution list, please click here. This link will redirect you to the main page of the congressional website where you can remove your email address. If you experience problems unsubscribing, please use the "Write Your Rep" service and…

A Review of the Administration's Energy Proposals for the Transportation Sector

| Posted in Press Releases

  STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD - MICHAEL C. BURGESS ENERGY AND COMMERCE ENERGY AND AIR QUALITY SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING "A Review of the Administration's Energy Proposals for the Transportation Sector" February 28, 2007 Thank you, Mr. Chairman for holding this hearing. I think by now my fellow committee members know that I believe our best bet to decrease consumption of…

Hearing on FY08 Budget on Energy

| Posted in Press Releases

  STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD - MICHAEL C. BURGESS ENERGY AND COMMERCE HEARING February 8, 2007 “Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Proposal” Mr. Chairman, Thank you for convening this hearing today. One of my most important responsibilities as a Member of Congress is to ensure that my constituents' tax dollars are being spent wisely. It is for that reason…

Burgess Redintroduces Biodiesel Credit Tax Legislation

| Posted in Press Releases

  H.R. 927, Biodiesel Tax Credit Sponsor: Representative Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) Introduced: February 8, 2007 Status: Referred to House Committee on Ways and Means Why it is needed: Today the U.S. imports nearly 60% of its oil and this number is expected to increase to 75% by 2010. Most of this oil comes from the Middle East and politically unstable nations…