Energy and Environment

Achieving - At Long Last - Appliance Efficiency Standards

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  Last March I held an event with Deputy Secretary Clay Sell in my district at a local Home Depot to discuss the importance of energy efficiency and to inform my constituents about provisions in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that encourage the use of efficient products. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created a manufacturers tax credit for energy efficient dishwashers, clothes…

The May Burgess Bulletin

| Posted in Monthly Burgess Bulletin

  Please do not respond to this email. To contact Congressman Burgess, use the "Write Your Rep" service. If you would to be removed from our email distribution list, please click here. This link will redirect you to the main page of the congressional website where you can remove your email address. If you experience problems unsubscribing, please use the "Write Your Rep" service and…

Implementation of EPACT 2005 Loan Guarantee Program by DOE

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The Energy Policy Act of 2005 included several important provisions to encourage the deployment of innovative energy technology or to reduce greenhouse gases. This could include new nuclear, clean coal, and cellulostic ethanol. I understand that our appropriator friends have been responsible for slowing implementation of this program -- with the first funds appropriated as part of the…

Department of Energy’s Response to Ongoing Mismanagement at the Los Alamos National Labs

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  Thank you Chairman Stupak and Ranking Member Whitfield for continuing the committee’s important oversight over Los Alamos. This is a bipartisan issue, and we all share the same concern and anxiety regarding security at the lab which built the nuclear bomb. I appreciate the aggressive nature that our committee has taken on this crucial issue of national security. We have three…

Water Resources Bill Trickles through Congress

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  The U.S. House of Representatives today approved H.R. 1495, Water Resources Development Act of 2007, legislation that authorizes critical flood control and policy improvements that are vital to the nation’s economy and environment. This legislation, known as WRDA, authorizes approximately $14 billion for water resources studies and construction projects by the U.S. Army Corps of…

Alternative Transportation Fuels: An Overview

| Posted in Committee Statements

Mr. Chairman, this is probably one of the most crucial issues facing our country today. I won't spend a lot of time expanding on why we need to reduce our reliance on foreign energy. I think by now most of us recognize depending on Venezuela and the Middle East for our energy is not a sustainable position for the United States. Home-grown fuels, such as biodiesel cellulostic…

The April Burgess Bulletin

| Posted in Monthly Burgess Bulletin

Please do not respond to this email. To contact Congressman Burgess, use the "Write Your Rep" service. If you would to be removed from our email distribution list, please click here. This link will redirect you to the main page of the congressional website where you can remove your email address. If you experience problems unsubscribing, please use the "Write Your Rep" service and notify…

Climate Change: Lessons Learned from Existing Cap and Trade Programs

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  I'd also like to thank our expert witnesses for appearing before us today.  Your experience and perspective is especially valuable to us as we debate a potential carbon cap-and-trade system.    Mr. Chairman, I found it troubling that the first hearing that we held in this subcommittee began with a discussion of private sector cap-and-trade proposals -- it appeared that we were…

Climate Change: International Issues, Engaging Developing Countries

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Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Today's discussion on international issues and the subject of engaging developing countries is especially important. I am deeply concerned that adopted a cap-and-trade or carbon tax policy will have the sole effect of driving jobs offshore, without reducing CO2 emissions. Manufacturing is energy-intensive, and as such, is especially sensitive to increasing…

Carbon Sequestration

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  Carbon Sequestration The Hill’s CongressBlog Yesterday we heard from Vice President Al Gore about his views on Global Warming. During his testimony, he said that he believes that no new coal plants should be built in the U.S. unless they are carbon-capture ready. A carbon capture-ready plant, without actually capturing carbon, is configured differently than non-carbon…