Homeland Security and Immigration

Burgess Releases 2012 Annual Report

| Posted in Press Releases

Today, Dr. Burgess released his 2012 Year End Annual Report. The report showcases his 2012 legislative work and accomplishments, media communication, constituent services, and correspondence with North Texans.

Weekly Video Address: The "Lack of Ownership" of Benghazi

| Posted in A Doctor's Note

This week Dr. Burgess provides an update from Washington on the report that was released regarding the attack on the Benghazi consulate that claimed four American lives. You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the video click here.

Burgess Named Vice Chair of Two Energy and Commerce Subcommittees

| Posted in Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) was named Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and will continue to serve as the Vice Chair of the Subcommittee on Health. Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), announced the members who will serve atop the six subcommittees in the 113th Congress. As the only Member of Congress serving as the Vice Chair of two subcommittees, Dr. Burgess will continue to vigorously push health care issues, work to cut wasteful federal spending, and perform oversight of the executive branch, including overseeing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.