Food and Product Safety

Burgess Receives Response From Waxman On Subcommittee Dispute, Statement Will Be Added To Hearing Record

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Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Ranking Member Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), today received a welcomed response from Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-California) regarding a information Ranking Member Burgess attempted to enter into the Committee's official record, but was prevented from doing so by Subcommittee Chairman Bart Stupak (D-Michigan). On October 15, Ranking Member Burgess wrote to Chairman Waxman expressing his concern over the incident, which occurred during a September 22 subcommittee hearing, when Ranking Member Burgess was prevented from entering information into the Committee record. Ranking Member Burgess wrote "I would like to express my concern that this incident did not reflect a cooperative, bipartisan, and respectful manner and was not in keeping with the traditions of the Committee.

DeCosters testify in egg recall

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Austin "Jack" DeCoster and his son Peter made their first public comments regarding a shell egg salmonella outbreak that was traced back to their Wright County Egg operation during a congressional hearing Wednesday that was broadcast via the Internet. The DeCosters fielded questions from multiple U.S. representatives, including U.S. Reps. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, and Bruce Braley, D-Iowa.…

Ranking Member Burgess Statement On Dispute During Today’s O&I Subcommittee Hearing

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), ranking member of the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement explaining the dispute that occurred earlier today during the subcommittee hearing on the outbreak of salmonella in eggs: “It is very unfortunate that the Majority chose to turn today’s hearing on a bipartisan food safety issue into a vicious coordinated character assassination on Senator Tom Coburn. Even more appalling was the Majority's refusal to allow the other side of the issue to be aired. It was never my intention to use today’s hearing for political purposes, but I could not stand by and allow misleading statements to go unanswered.

Burgess discusses issues

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This past week, U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess (R-Lewisville) spent the week in Lewisville to attend a host of meetings. Monday, he sat down with The Leader to discuss a variety of topics. Oversight committee Burgess was named the top Republican on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in February. The subcommittee, a true…

One-on-One with Congressman Michael Burges

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The Register sits down with U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D. What are your focal points as a Congressman? The biggest concern I have is for the implementation of this health care law that was passed. That is where the majority of our committee work is going to occur in the coming Congress. I’m the highest ranked Republican on the subcommittee of oversight and investigations.…

Burgess addresses residents’ concerns

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Taking a break from work in the nation’s capital, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess returned to his District 26 home to hear from constituents at area town hall meetings this week. About 200 people gathered Thursday at the Denton High School auditorium to hear Burgess, R-Lewisville, touch on a variety of topics including health care, immigration reform and Barnett Shale gas drilling. “The…

Drilling concerns are key issues at Burgess town hall

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Questions about the economy and gas drilling dominated the discussion at a town hall meeting Congressman Michael Burgess (R-Lewisville) hosted at Flower Mound High School on Tuesday. The auditorium was slightly more than half full, and Burgess took questions and comments from about 20 audience members. The meeting was the first in a series of three the congressman held in his district…

Congressman Burgess addresses concerns at town hall meeting

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On Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-26) dropped by Gainesville’s Civic Center to meet with area constituents for a “Town Hall” meeting. More than 150 locals turned out to voice their concerns and ask the congressmen questions. Some came armed with the specific numbers of resolutions, and issues discussed ranged from medical marijuana to veterans’ affairs. But perhaps the most…

Burgess Announces August Town Hall Meetings

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26) has announced three Town Hall meetings for the first week of August. The Town Halls give residents of Texas’ 26th Congressional District the chance to learn more about health care reform, taxes and spending, energy legislation, immigration reform, or any other issues. “I’ll be there to hear from you on the issues that are important to you, your family, and our community, and discuss issues currently before the United States Congress,” Congressman Burgess said. “I certainly look forward to meeting you and hearing your views.”

China Never Investigated Tainted Heparin, Says Probe

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The Chinese government didn't pursue an investigation into contaminated heparin sent to the U.S. in 2007 and 2008, despite repeated requests from the U.S. for help, according to a congressional probe. Two House Republicans said Food and Drug Administration officials recently told them that the agency has been "severely hampered" by the lack of cooperation from China in finding those…