Government Reform

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Health Care Reform Beyond the Affordable Care Act

| Posted in Floor Statements

Dr. Burgess spoke on the House Floor about the Congressional Health Care Caucus' first event of 2012. The Health Care Caucus will hold briefings leading up to the Supreme Court reviewing the Affordable Care Act, and discuss policy ideas that will result as a decision is made by the Supreme Court.

Weekly Video Address - Responding to the State of the Union

| Posted in A Doctor's Note

This week Dr. Burgess provides an update from Washington and responds to President Obama's State of the Union Address.You can watch the video below. To read a transcript of the video click here.

Dr. Burgess on Fox Business News: Still Waiting to Hear Back From President Obama

| Posted in Burgess in the News

During the 2011 State of the Union, President Obama said he wanted tackle medical malpractice reform and that he was eager to work with those who had ideas. The very next day I sent a letter to the president and told him I was eager and willing to work with him on this issue. A year later, I still haven't heard back. Last night I appeared on Fox Business News to talk with David Asman about the issue.

Burgess Statement on State of the Union Address

| Posted in Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – In advance of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), Vice Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health and Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, released the following statement: “Tonight President Obama will make his sixth address to Congress and the American people since taking office. Today also coincidently marks the 1,000th day since the Senate has passed a budget. America is still at a crossroads and after three years of the Obama administration, people are still waiting for results.

Weekly Video Address - The Congressional Health Care Caucus

| Posted in A Doctor's Note

In 2009, Dr. Burgess founded, and currently serves as the Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus. The Health Care Caucus is committed to advancing reforms that reduce costs, increase patient control, expand choice, and promote cures. In this week's video address, Dr. Burgess provides an update about the work the Health Caucus has done. You can watch the video below.

Burgess Releases 2011 Year End Annual Report

| Posted in Press Releases

Today, Dr. Burgess released his 2011 Year End Annual Report. The report showcases his 2011 legislative work and accomplishments, media communication, constituent services, and correspondence with North Texans. “It is important to show constituents the work I am doing on their behalf, and this is my report to them on the accomplishments we’ve made in 2011,” said Dr. Burgess. “My office performs a variety of services; everything from drafting legislation to helping constituents work with various federal agencies, and I want them to know that I am working hard for North Texans.”