Government Reform

Dr. Burgess' Op-Ed: EPA could waive ban on Primatene Mist inhalers for asthmatics

| Posted in Burgess in the News

For years I have used a common over-the-counter emergency asthma inhaler called Primatene Mist. Like many asthma sufferers who find themselves awake at 2am with an unexpected asthma attack and do not have immediate access to an inhaler, Primatene Mist has been a simple and safe solution to what would otherwise be a costly and time-consuming emergency room visit. Unfortunately this past January, Primatene Mist was forced off pharmacy shelves due to an international treaty agreement known as the Montreal Protocol.

Weekly Video Address: Alzheimer's Awareness

| Posted in A Doctor's Note

Alzheimer’s is one of the most burdensome diseases facing Americans today. In this week’s address, Dr. Burgess discusses how all federal agencies must work together to implement a plan that will make progress in overcoming this disease and how the MIND Act will allow citizens to invest directly in Alzheimer’s research. To read a transcript of the video click here.

Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements

| Posted in Press Releases

Burgess Presses Obama Administration on Inconsistent Libya Statements  “This administration has not been forthcoming. We deserve better, and the four Americans who lost their lives deserve better.” Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), sent a letter to President Obama regarding the erroneous statements made by officials of the Obama…