Government Reform

Burgess Announces 2013 “An Artistic Discovery” Congressional High School Art Contest

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) is pleased to announce the opening of "An Artistic Discovery," the annual Congressional High School Art Competition. Since the U.S. House of Representatives created the competition in 1982, hundreds of thousands of talented high school students have served as artistic ambassadors of their communities.

Burgess, Engel Work to Continue Improving the Lives of Patients Impacted by Muscular Dystrophy

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressmen Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas) and Eliot Engel (D-New York) both recognize that more can be done to help those living with muscular dystrophy. To help ensure that the federal work impacting those with muscular dystrophy, keeps up with current science and that patients receive safe and effective therapies for all forms of muscular dystrophy they have introduced the Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education Act (MD CARE Act) Amendments Act of 2013, H.R. 594.

Burgess Statement on State of the Union Address

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Washington, D.C. – In advance of President Obama’s State of the Union address, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), Vice Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittees on Health and Oversight and Investigations and Co-Chair of the Congressional Health Caucus, released the following statement: “Today is “Fat Tuesday” and is known as the last hurrah before Lent and is the beginning of a long fasting period for some Christians. Many will take the opportunity to indulge in various foods and activities before the long Lenten season starts tomorrow. While the 40 days of Lent is not enough time to solve all our problems, it is a time of reflection and a time to evaluate where we can make changes and improve.

Statement on Energy Secretary Steven Chu Resignation

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With today’s announcement by Energy Secretary Steven Chu that he will soon be resigning from President Obama’s cabinet, it is my hope that the Department of Energy will close the door on its narrowly focused pursuit of unsustainable and costly “green” energy boondoogles and return to its core mission of supporting the production of abundant sources of fuel within our borders. For the past 4 years, Secretary Chu has led an effort to undermine the thriving oil and gas industries in order to boost new technologies that have time after time proven to be failures, and he has done it at a massive expense to the American people. Most egregiously, Secretary Chu will forever be associated with the failed loan guarantee program which funded Solyndra to a loss of $535 million, after he ignored the law by giving private investors priority over American taxpayers during Solyndra’s bankruptcy proceedings. The federal government should get out of the business of dictating the energy sources that Americans use, and I hope that any future Secretary of Energy will commit to allowing the American people to choose for themselves how they heat and light their homes and run their cars.

Burgess Names Service Academy Board and Nominees

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Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26), announced the members of his Service Academy Advisory Board. The twelve-member board met recently to advise him upon the selection of qualified service academy candidates. The board’s purpose is to comprehensively screen and interview high school and college applicants wishing to receive a congressional nomination; the board then makes recommendations to Dr. Burgess for final review and nominations are submitted to the individual service academies (U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY, U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD, U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY) for appointment consideration.

Burgess Statement on Senate Immigration Reform Proposal

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26) released the following statement regarding the Senate’s immigration reform proposal: “While the Senate proposal includes several provisions aimed at improving the enforcement of our current immigration laws, it fails to ensure the integrity of the legal immigration process

Burgess To Hold Watauga Town Hall Meeting

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Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (Texas-26) has announced that he will hold a town hall meeting on Thursday, January 31, 2013. The town hall will provide residents of Texas’ 26th Congressional District the chance to learn more about what is happening in Washington and how legislation will impact North Texans. Issues such as unemployment, taxes, and the health care are expected to be discussed.