Transportation and Infrastructure

H.R. 4635 - Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2004, Part III

| Posted in Committee Statements

H.R.4635 Passed 418-0 Burgess voted YES Title:To provide an extension of highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund pending enactment of a law reauthorizing the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 6/22/2004) Cosponsors: 3 Committees: House…

The Burgess Bulletin - June 2004

| Posted in Monthly Burgess Bulletin

Honoring President Ronald Reagan “He will always be remembered as the architect of the policies that ended the Cold War — peace through strength. He, more than anyone else, was directly responsible for giving us the possibility of the world living in peace: He ended the Cold War, ended the unspoken hostilities between the United States and Russia, and brought an end to the Soviet…

H.R. 3550 - Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Oberstar Motion to Instruct Conferees)

| Posted in Committee Statements

H.R.3550 Approved, 377-30 Burgess voted YES Title:To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 11/20/2003) Cosponsors: 145 Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure; House Education and the Workforce; House Energy and Commerce; House Judiciary; House…

National Safe Boating Council Present Burgess with Confluence Award

| Posted in Press Releases

Today, the National Safe Boating Council presented Rep. Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) with the National Safe Boating Council Confluence Awards which recognizes Members of Congress who have worked to better the resources and vision of safe and recreational boating opportunities on America's Waterways. A member of the House Boating Caucus, Congressman Burgess represents a sizable portion…

NASCAR Adds Second Race to North Texas Venue

| Posted in Press Releases

On Friday, NASCAR announced that they will have a second race day at Texas Motor Speedway. “I am thrilled that the NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series has selected the Texas Motor Speedway for another amazing race,” commented Rep. Michael Burgess (TX-26) upon hearing the news. The NASCAR races bring international recognition to Fort Worth as well as a massive influx in tourism. …

H.Con.Res 420 - National Transportation Week

| Posted in Committee Statements

Approved, 360-0 Burgess voted YES Title:Applauding the men and women who keep America moving and recognizing National Transportation Week. Sponsor: Rep Young, Don [AK] (introduced 5/11/2004) Cosponsors: 1 Committees: House Transportation and Infrastructure; Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Latest Major Action: 5/20/2004 Passed/agreed to in Senate. Status:…

The Burgess Bulletin - May 2004

| Posted in Monthly Burgess Bulletin

Rep. Burgess Named Chairman of the Health Subcommittee for the Republican Policy Committee Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. has been named Chairman of the Health Subcommittee for the Republican Policy Committee. Rep. Burgess was appointed by Policy Chairman Christopher Cox (CA-48) and approved by House Speaker Denny Hastert to fill the position recently vacated by former Rep. Ernie…

Design-Build Transportation

| Posted in Columns

In a fiscal environment that requires Congress to maintain fiscal restraints it has become increasingly difficult to fund major transportation projects. However, the U.S. depends on a modern, comprehensive and interconnected nationwide surface transportation system. To combat this complex problem we need to promote the access to and use of innovative financing tools to get the job…

H.R. 4219 Surface Transportation Extension Act, Part II

| Posted in Committee Statements

H.R.4219 Passed by a vote of 410-0 Burgess Voted YES Title: To provide an extension of highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund pending enactment of a law reauthorizing the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. Sponsor: Rep Petri, Thomas E. [WI-6] (introduced 4/27/2004) Cosponsors:…

North Texas Receives I-35 Funds

| Posted in Press Releases

Congressman Michael C. Burgess (TX-26) is pleased to announce a grant totaling $115,978 for widening Interstate 35 East between FM 2181 and Lake Lewisville. “As the only Texas Republican Member of the House Transportation Committee, I am pleased that I have been able to bring these much needed transportation dollars back home,” stated Rep. Michael Burgess. “As a resident of…