Transportation and Infrastructure

Dr. Burgess on the Floor: Honoring Judge Vandergriff

| Posted in Floor Statements

"Judge Vandergriff was the original representative from the 26th District of Texas when it was formed after the 1980 Census. My fondest memory of Judge Vandergriff, however, is the voice of the Texas Rangers. Along with Dick Hoover, they did the broadcast. They were spell binding and exciting and kept me many times away from my graduate school studies. But to his family, we offer our prayers and condolences."

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D, Sworn into 112th Congress

| Posted in Press Releases

“It is an incredible opportunity and honor to serve the people of the 26th District of Texas,” said Burgess. “During my past eight years in Congress, I have never forgotten that my service to this great country is because of the opportunity my constituents have afforded me and I will continue to put the issues facing the people of the 26th District on front line.”

Congressman Burgess Statement on the Death of Hon. Vandergriff

| Posted in Press Releases

Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. released the following statement upon learning of the death of the Hon. Tom Vandergriff: “Texas has lost a great public servant. “During his 55 years of public service, Judge Vandergriff served as the first Congressman of the 26th District, was the youngest elected mayor of Arlington, and for 16 years served as Tarrant County judge.

GOP gearing up for White House investigations

| Posted in Burgess in the News

The White House and the Republican congressional leadership are quietly preparing for intensified scrutiny and investigations of Obama administration actions if the GOP takes control of the House, officials say. Republican lawmakers who would be in charge of investigative and oversight committees plan to renew a stack of information demands that have languished before federal agencies…

Fort Worth considers ways to address nutritional needs

| Posted in Burgess in the News

East and southeast Fort Worth community leaders, city officials and others took time Friday during an economic development summit that usually focuses on topics like transportation needs to talk about food. Not what was for lunch, but rather how to better meet nutritional needs and get fresh fruits and vegetables to the residents in areas under-served by supermarkets. Addressing…

Burgess discusses issues

| Posted in Burgess in the News

This past week, U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess (R-Lewisville) spent the week in Lewisville to attend a host of meetings. Monday, he sat down with The Leader to discuss a variety of topics. Oversight committee Burgess was named the top Republican on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in February. The subcommittee, a true…

One-on-One with Congressman Michael Burges

| Posted in Burgess in the News

The Register sits down with U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D. What are your focal points as a Congressman? The biggest concern I have is for the implementation of this health care law that was passed. That is where the majority of our committee work is going to occur in the coming Congress. I’m the highest ranked Republican on the subcommittee of oversight and investigations.…

Burgess addresses residents’ concerns

| Posted in Burgess in the News

Taking a break from work in the nation’s capital, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess returned to his District 26 home to hear from constituents at area town hall meetings this week. About 200 people gathered Thursday at the Denton High School auditorium to hear Burgess, R-Lewisville, touch on a variety of topics including health care, immigration reform and Barnett Shale gas drilling. “The…

Drilling concerns are key issues at Burgess town hall

| Posted in Burgess in the News

Questions about the economy and gas drilling dominated the discussion at a town hall meeting Congressman Michael Burgess (R-Lewisville) hosted at Flower Mound High School on Tuesday. The auditorium was slightly more than half full, and Burgess took questions and comments from about 20 audience members. The meeting was the first in a series of three the congressman held in his district…