Burgess in the News

Senate Democrats Poised to Move on Medicare Bill Under Veto Threat

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site ...Michael C. Burgess, R-Texas, introduced his own Medicare bill (HR 6129) in late May. It would postpone the payment cuts for seven months, giving Congress a bit more time for an overhaul. “We’re about to fall off a cliff and I’m throwing us a rope,” Burgess said in an interview.…

A tool to help the VA recruit the best nurses

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site ...H.R. 6153, the Veterans' Medical Personnel Recruitment and Retention Act of 2008, which, if passed, will do just that. It is the companion bill to S. 2969, which Sen. Daniel Akaka of Hawaii introduced May 1. The original co-sponsors of the bill include the other two nurses serving…

Calling all vets: use your clinic

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site There probably isn’t a better deal for Denton County veterans than the Veterans Affairs clinic at 2223 Colorado Boulevard, but the clinic’s services have been going begging since it quietly opened in July, and that’s a shame. The clinic held a more formal opening Friday, complete with…

Clinic event sports military flair

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site More than 100 people gathered amid scores of U.S. flags and military vehicles Friday morning to celebrate the opening of Denton’s Veterans Affairs clinic....The crowd included politicians such as U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, clinic staff and members of various veterans…

Veterans Clinic tries to drum up business

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site ...The clinic’s grand opening will be at 10 a.m. Friday. U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess will be the keynote speaker...more

Burgess: Transportation, energy are top issues

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site Transportation and energy are the top issues being faced by the United States Congress, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess of the 26th District of Texas told members of the Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon Tuesday at Celebrations in Highland Village...more

Students prepare to serve their country

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site ...Keegan Farley, 17, drove alone for four hours from Ponder, near Denton in North Texas...To get to this day, Farley applied through his congressman, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville...more

EYES ON WASHINGTON: How Your Representative Voted

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site How votes of the North Texas congressional delegation were recorded in the week ending Saturday...more

Cheers and Jeers

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site Cheers: To U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess for promoting motorcycle safety. Burgess has co-founded a congressional motorcycle safety caucus and is an original sponsor of a House resolution supporting the goals of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Burgess has shown a commitment to the rider…

House Republicans unveil series of energy bills

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Note: When you click "more" you will be directed from Rep. Burgess' website to the publication's site ...Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, said rising gasoline prices have replaced illegal immigration as the top concern in his district, based on questions from his constituents. ``There’s been a sea change in northern Tarrant County as well,’’ he said....more