Burgess in the News

Bi-Partisan Burgess Health Care Bills Headed to House Floor, USA

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) announced that two bi-partisan bills he helped write to improve health care passed out of committee and now head to the House floor. Votes are expected by the full House of Representatives in the next few weeks.

AMA launches new health care ad blitz

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The American Medical Association unveiled new print and television ads Thursday, promoting health-care coverage for the country’s 46 million uninsured. In a press conference at the Capitol, AMA president Nancy Nielsen thanked Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) for tackling the issue in a bi-partisan fashion. More... Note: When you click…

Vote Nov. 4 with Uninsured in Mind, AMA Says

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It will be up to the 111th Congress and the next U.S. president to reduce the high number of Americans who lack health insurance, the American Medical Association says, and AMA's president, Nancy Nielsen, will try to kick off that action tomorrow in an appearance with two members of Congress who focus on health care: Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, who is a physician.

Congress is Back to Business - the People’s Business

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Congress is back in Washington to finish for the year. There's much work to be done, and not a lot of time to do it. Congress must spend the time left on the people’s business and not the business of growing the federal government. What exactly is the people’s business? It’s the things you talk to me about when I see you in the store, at my town halls, when you call or write my office: energy, transportation, and spending.

Medical society debates McCain, Obama positions

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The Texas Medical Association hosted a debate about the differences between presidential candidates Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama’s health care plans at their fall 2008 conference Saturday. A group of more than 150 medical professionals gathered in the Texas Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency hotel to listen to medical spokesmen from each side of the political spectrum. U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, a health adviser for the McCain campaign, spoke on behalf of McCain’s positions.

McCain's Medical Advisor: Burgess

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U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess is spending the last days of the Republican National Convention talking to radio shows, TV crews and newspaper reporters. But he's not talking about himself. He's talking about John McCain.

Lewisville: Burgess discusses issues with Denton County GOP

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U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Lewisville) discussed major national issues before a standing-room only crowd in the Community Room on the second floor of Medical Center of Lewisville Thursday night. “After the situation in Iraq stabilized, the economy, energy and healthcare came bubbling to the top,” Burgess told members of the Denton County Republican Executive Committee, GOP precinct chairmen and other Republicans who were in attendance.

Toll lanes may get I-35E up to speed for Dallas, Denton

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Federal and state leaders, frustrated by delays in expanding Interstate 35E through parts of Dallas and Denton counties, said Tuesday that a private contractor and tolls could be the keys to fast-tracking the project. U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess joined U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation Thomas Barrett and Texas Department of Transportation and regional officials in announcing that the 28-mile project to widen the interstate cannot be put off.