Burgess in the News

Presidential Candidates Health Experts Answer Questions About Proposals

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While the nation and the presidential candidates are totally engrossed with the financial crisis facing the country another big, unresolved challenge is healthcare...costs are rising and access to care is as problematic as ever for the un-insured. McCain and Obama have two very different set of solutions.

Agreement Reached on Bailout Plan

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Congressional leaders and the White House agreed Sunday to a $700 billion rescue of the ailing financial industry after lawmakers insisted on sharing spending controls with the Bush administration.

Credit crisis erodes faith in Washington

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Through it all, Americans were not shy about voicing their outrage. E-mails to Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, said: “This is madness to ask us, the taxpayers, to cover the liabilities of Wall Street. We are tired of being fleeced” and “What a shame and disgrace to the U.S. Taxpayer and this country.”

Politics on the Spot: Emergency Room

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For election season, we're taking you around the country to hear how some of the big issues at stake are playing out on the ground. This week we're tackling a doozy: healthcare. It's one of the most complex issues on the candidates' agendas, one that both have given serious thought.

Updated MD-CARE Act Receives Final Congressional Approval

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The Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education (MD-CARE) Amendments of 2008 received final Congressional approval today. It now goes to President Bush, who is expected to sign it. The approved legislation -- which reauthorizes and updates the MD-CARE Actof 2001 -- will escalate research and the development of treatments for several forms of muscular dystrophy.

Congressman Burgess’ Message on the Financial Situation

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I believe a vote should be held in Congress before the US financial markets open on Monday morning and I am working aggressively towards an agreement. This is a significant problem that requires a significant but thoughtful solution. Over the last ninety-six hours I have heard from over 1200 residents from our district. Through your phone calls, emails, and letters my staff has collected your concern for our financial markets and the potential tax payer liability.

Community helps DeLay celebrate award

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It was a Who’s Who of Lewisville on Wednesday as community and Lewisville ISD leaders gathered to honor DeLay Middle School’s recent national award.

Economy Requires Action, But Caution Should Be the Order of the Day

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Our financial markets are stressed to the breaking point and decisive action is needed to prevent further harm to our economy. But, rushing to judgment and being reactionary is not the responsible way to address this crisis. Nationalizing assets and bailing out corporations is not the answer either. Congress has a responsibility to act swiftly and in a way that protects American taxpayers from more debt, higher taxes, and untold risk. Safeguarding the fundamentals of our free market system must be a critical piece as well.