Burgess in the News

The Consequences of “Cap and Tax”

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President Obama and Democrat leaders in Congress expect to raise billions of dollars through an unprecedented “cap and tax” proposal. With this money, they plan to accomplish many of their campaign promises and long-standing party goals – health care and education reform, to name a few. And they may just get their way. Their proposal will raise taxes on American businesses and…

Investigation: State to Yank Home Care Agency License (video)

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The state is yanking the license of a home health care agency after FOX 4 raises questions about unlicensed nursing and Medicare abuses. T and T Home Health billed Medicare millions of dollars over the past two years but FOX 4 questioned whether the agency was really helping the elderly or just helping itself. Our 4-month investigation prompted the Texas Department of Aging and…

Republicans Push for Less Government in Health Care Overhaul

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Republicans and conservatives spotlighted their ideas for “less government” in a proposed overhaul of the U.S. health care system at a forum Tuesday at the Capitol, stressing a need for greater personal responsibility on the part of patients and better tax breaks for individual health insurance plans.

Conservatives say voters don’t want big overhaul

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Most American voters do not want a radical overhaul of the healthcare system, Rick Scott, chairman of Conservatives for Patients’ Rights Action Fund, said during a policy forum sponsored by the Congressional Health Care Caucus. “They are clearly suspicious of more government involvement and think it won’t drive down costs—which is their biggest complaint about healthcare,” Scott said.…

Brisk sales of ammo are leading to shortage in Texas, nationwide

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There’s a widespread expectation that Obama’s administration will follow through on a campaign promise to reimpose an assault weapons ban. Some people fear that taxes on ammunition, guns and other firearms-related materials might drastically increase, as they have on cigarettes.

Burgess in Emergency Forum

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Congressman Michael C. Burgess is hosting an emergency preparedness fair for the North Texas community Saturday that includesthree panels of local experts and organizations with information for residents on weather and disaster preparedness.

Defense budget shifts focus from F-22s to cheaper F-35s

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In a bold overhaul of spending priorities, the Pentagon said Monday that it wants to kill the expensive F-22 Raptor fighter, whose electronic guts are built in Fort Worth, along with part of its frame. But the $534 billion budget proposal laid out by Defense Secretary Robert Gates – who is trying to restructure the military to make it nimbler – may prove to help North Texas far more than the Raptor's demise may hurt.

Donations Preceded FDA Shift

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Executives of a small medical-device company donated $50,000 in the 2008 election campaign to New Jersey Democrats who went to bat for the company's knee implant at the Food and Drug Administration, according to campaign donation records.

Editorial: F-22 — First-look, first-strike, first-kill

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Consider this a suggestion: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates proposes to halt F-22 production when the last of 187 planes on order are delivered in 2011. Consider this a mandate: To "provide for the common defense." The first is from the Pentagon’s proposed budget. The second is from the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.