Burgess in the News

Taking the lead on energy conservation

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All around the world people have been listening to politicians, world leaders and other influential people talk about going green and being energy efficient. On Saturday, July 11, residents from North Texas gathered at Killough Lewisville High School North for the annual Summit on Energy Efficiency for North Texas. US Congressman Michael Burgess (TX-26) was hosting the event which…

Democrats' $540-Billion Tax Hike Will Force People into Government-Run Health Care, Congressman Says

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The Democrats’ proposed $540-billion tax hike to help pay for President Obama’s health care reform plan will boost costs for small businesses and thus force more people into the president’s proposed government-run health insurance program, said Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas), a doctor. “The short answer to that question, if I may, is yes,” Burgess told CNSNews.com, when asked if the…

Rep. Burgess: Healthcare Bill Brings 'Startling' Taxes (video)

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The healthcare reform plan being pushed by President Barack Obama and the Democrats will ultimately require "startling" tax increases, Rep. Michael Burgess tells Newsmax. The Texas Republican, who is also a physician and chairman of the Congressional Healthcare Caucus, warns that the Obama administration will have "no hesitancy" in moving the country toward socialized medicine.…

Burgess, Williams address crowd on energy conservation

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A crowd of about 130 people filled the halls of Killough North High School in Lewisville Saturday morning before going into the cafeteria to hear U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess and Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael L. Williams give tips on how to conserve energy. The event, sponsored by Burgess, was a summit and fair on energy conservation. This third annual event offered…

Concerns discussed at annual energy summit

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As the temperature outside topped 100 degrees, an even hotter topic was being discussed Saturday inside a North Texas high school. About 100 people from the Dallas-Fort Worth area showed up to the third annual Energy, Efficiency and Conservation Summit and Fair at Killough Lewisville High School North to talk about Texas energy problems and possible solutions. Energy problems are…

For Doctors in Congress, Little Harmony on Health Care

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In the struggle to overhaul the nation’s health care system, 16 physicians have ended up in ringside seats — as members of the House and Senate. But they have taken different lessons from their experiences in medicine, and they do not agree on what a bill should look like. “Doctors are very individualistic,” said Representative Michael C. Burgess, Republican of Texas and an…

17 members seek Fed probe over BofA

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Tags: Economy

Seventeen House members from both parties are calling on the Obama administration to investigate the Federal Reserve over its role in Bank of America's acquisition of Merrill Lynch at the height of the financial crisis. The deal has caused significant controversy on Capitol Hill, where Democrats and Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have held several hearings with former…

GOP Congressional Docs Say Health Overhaul Moving Too Fast

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A group of Republican lawmakers with medical backgrounds voiced criticisms of proposed health overhaul legislation during a panel discussion held by the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. The lawmakers said Democratic proposals to overhaul the U.S health system, particularly a government-run public insurance option, would lead to too much government intervention in health…

North Texas flood-control projects clear congressional hurdle

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Rep. Kay Granger’s vision for an urban lake for Fort Worth moved closer to reality Wednesday when the House Appropriations Committee approved $7.2 million in construction funding for the Army Corps of Engineers’ Central City project. The flood-control and economic development plan, known as the Trinity River Vision, has been a Granger project since the beginning of the decade. "I…