Burgess in the News

GOP Congressmen to Hold ‘News Conference’ Referendum on Democrats' Health Care Bill

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House Republicans have invited the public to show up at a "news conference" they are holding on the West front of the U.S. Capitol building at noon on Thursday -- a week after Democrats unveiled their health care bill. "The purpose of the event is to let the American people tell us what they think of the product that has been produced and to let us see, by the numbers of people who…

Local companies express concern about healthcare legislation

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Healthcare leaders in North Texas said healthcare legislation in Congress could hurt their businesses and cost consumers money — but many also said changes are needed to address the millions of uninsured Texans, growing healthcare costs and low reimbursement rates by the government. A panel of hospital executives speaking Monday at a healthcare summit sponsored by the Fort Worth…

GOP Takes the Health Care Debate Online

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As the House of Representatives prepares to take up debate on the Democrats' massive health care overhaul, Republicans are preparing Internet-based efforts to present a united front against the bill. The bill, Republican leaders say, is bloated with questionable provisions that few citizens -- or legislators -- have had a chance to debate. Now, they intend to pick apart those…

Cost of stimulus jobs in Texas so far: $545,000 per job

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Tags: Economy

Texas gained 19,572 jobs created or saved by federal stimulus funds, at a steep cost to taxpayers: $545,000 per job, according to data from a new but flawed government report. The information, available on recovery.gov, shows that 376 contracts worth $608.9 million created 1,458 jobs. Grants totaling $10 billion contributed 18,114 more. Administration officials argued that it was…

Democrat Edwards wants to read bill before deciding, while DFW Republicans remain flatly opposed to healthcare bill

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For the Republican lawmakers who represent Tarrant County in Congress, the House Democratic healthcare bill is too big, too costly and too much government, a message that seems to be resonating with Democratic Rep. Chet Edwards of nearby Waco, who is taking a wait-and-see attitude, promising to read the 1,990-page bill before making up his mind. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Arlington, said:…

Economists Tie GDP Growth To Stimulus Plan; Republicans Skeptical

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Tags: Economy

Economic experts credited the Obama administration's stimulus plan with helping boost the nation's gross domestic product, but Republican lawmakers warned at a Thursday hearing that the effect could be short-lived. Earlier on Thursday, the U.S. Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis released data showing the GDP increased by 3.5% in the third quarter. Several Republican…

Value of individual coverage mandates questioned

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Large-scale individual mandates aren't necessarily the most effective way to get people to enroll in health insurance, a panel of experts said during a meeting held by the Congressional Health Care Caucus. Such a mandate, which is under consideration as a component of healthcare reform, “is problematic in a free society,” and wouldn't necessarily have a 100% success rate, said Rep.…

Letter to the Editor: Congressman supports kidney bill

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Dear Editor, I agree with Kerry Solan’s “Medicare policy needs revision” op-ed piece on Oct. 13 that changes are needed to the Medicare policy regarding kidney transplant patients. There are a lot of misaligned incentives in the Medicare program, and this is one of them, which is why I think it is important that Congress fix it. Kidney transplant patients without private…

Fix is in—they hope

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In the race to get health reforms approved by the end of the year, doctors and other healthcare lobbying groups are hoping that Medicare’s physician payment fix will be the first to cross the finish line. But as the Senate moves to consider a bill on the floor next week to remove the troublesome formula that sets Medicare payment rates for doctors, murky questions remain on how the…

Letter to the Editor: Debating Medical Price and Outcome Transparency

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Your article "Hospitals Find Way to Make Care Cheaper—Make It Better" (page one, Oct. 6) addresses a serious problem that deserves a bipartisan solution, and I'm happy to report that it may be getting one. Knowing the facts about health-care pricing empowers consumers to make decisions that produce better care and lower costs. If you're not from Pennsylvania, however, you're probably…