Burgess in the News

Oil field trip: Burgess and Barton observe gulf oil spill

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Reps. Michael C. Burgess (R-Lewisville) and Joe Barton (R-Arlington) joined several senior House lawmakers today on a visit to the site of the BP oil spill, about 40 miles offshore Venice, La. Burgess, Barton and others were briefed on the clean-up operation by U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry and flew over the spill in a C-140. The photo to the right was provided by Burgess,…

Healthcare remains a hot topic as members of Congress face constituents in Dallas-Fort Worth

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As a doctor and a congressman, Rep. Michael Burgess said the best thing that could happen to the new overhaul of the nation's healthcare plan is for it to be repealed. Speaking to more than 50 people at a Greater Keller Chamber of Commerce luncheon Monday, Burgess said there are changes in the new law that are good -- such as requiring insurance companies to cover pre-existing…

No written health reform deals

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The Obama administration has offered little in response to a request from House Energy and Commerce Committee leaders for written records from meetings last summer between the White House and health industry stakeholders, including the American Medical Association. The meetings produced pledges to reduce the growth in health care spending by up to $2 trillion over a decade. Rep.…

Guest Blogger: Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) on Obamacare’s Impact on Doctors

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As the health care reform debate began over a year ago, the American Medical Association, the top doctors group in the country, released a list of its top priorities for health reform. The AMA is a powerful association, and many have credited it with helping to kill HillaryCare, so the organization, of which I am a member, was in a good position to impact President Obama’s health care…

Rep. Burgess: If Mandate To Buy Health Insurance Upheld By Court, No Limit To What Govt Can Force People To Buy

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Representative Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told CNSNews.com that if the mandate in the health care law requiring individuals to purchase health insurance or be penalized is upheld by the courts, the federal government could mandate anything, such as requiring all Americans to purchase a General Motors car. On Capitol Hill, CNSNews.com asked Representative Burgess, “The Congressional…

Democrats threaten companies hit hard by health care bill

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Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, has summoned some of the nation's top executives to Capitol Hill to defend their assessment that the new national health care reform law will cost their companies hundreds of millions of dollars in health insurance expenses. Waxman is also demanding that the executives give lawmakers internal company documents…

Burgess Bill Fixes Loophole That Excludes President, Certain Staffers From Health Insurance Created By Democrats' Health Care Reform

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On Friday night Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Texas), Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, introduced H.R. 4951 (PDF file), which would fix the loophole that exempted certain staff, as well as Administration officials, from participating in the exchanges created by the Democrats' flawed health care bill. Burgess' bill, which has 26 original co-sponsors, including…

Republicans Introduce Bills to Close Loophole on Staff Health Coverage

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Senate and House Republicans are introducing bills to close a loophole in the health care reform act that may exempt leadership and committee staffers from having to buy health plans created in the act. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) announced Thursday in a “Dear Colleague” letter that he would be introducing bicameral legislation with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who tried to attach…

Burgess vows to help fight parts of health bill

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Following House passage of the Democrats’ health care reform bill last night, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-Lewisville) Chairman of the Congressional Health Care Caucus, vowed to assist Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in his legal efforts to repeal sections of the legislation. “I am very concerned about the legality of several aspects of the so-called health care reform…

Inside Texas Politics (video)

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Congressional Republicans appear to be 100 percent unified against the Democratic plan to reform health care. What's in the bill the Republicans oppose? We'll ask our guest, a physician, GOP Rep. Michael Burgess of District 26. Today's Rant looks at what the health care bill would likely mean in Texas And has the battle over health care killed any chances for Republicans and…