Burgess in the News

GOP win in November could boost Texans' power in House

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If Republicans win control of the House, the job of implementing the new agenda would partly fall to Texas Republicans who would seize powerful jobs. Rep. Jeb Hensarling , who helped announce the GOP's Pledge to America this week, would help write smaller budgets and reform government support for the housing market. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, would push to repeal the health…

DeCosters testify in egg recall

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Austin "Jack" DeCoster and his son Peter made their first public comments regarding a shell egg salmonella outbreak that was traced back to their Wright County Egg operation during a congressional hearing Wednesday that was broadcast via the Internet. The DeCosters fielded questions from multiple U.S. representatives, including U.S. Reps. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, and Bruce Braley, D-Iowa.…

GOP Doctor Calls For Sebelius To Testify On Obamacare Discrepancies and “Reeducation” Plans

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The Obama-Pelosi Regime took control of one-sixth of the nation’s economy when they passed their nationalized health care bill and signed it into law in late March. The bill was never popular but Democrats persisted and rammed the bill through Congress. Now, there are even reports that the Obama Administration sat on damning information and hid it from the public until after their bill…

Government’s Light Bulb Ban Is Just Plain Destructive

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In 2007, Congress passed an energy bill that placed stringent efficiency requirements on ordinary incandescent bulbs in an attempt to phase them out beginning in 2012 and have them completely gone by 2014. The goal of the program is to replace incandescent bulbs with more expensive but more energy-efficient bulbs, the most popular currently being CFLs. Politicians used a distorted view of…

Coastal restoration trust fund idea backed by America's Energy Coast

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The federal government should establish a trust fund to pay for coastal restoration projects in states along the northern Gulf Coast, to be initially financed by penalties paid for violating federal laws, including 80 percent of any fines levied as a result of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, concludes a report released Tuesday by America's Energy Coast and its parent America's…

Short of Repeal, G.O.P. Will Chip at Health Law

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Republicans are serious. Hopeful of picking up substantial numbers of seats in the Congressional elections, they are developing plans to try to repeal or roll back President Obama’s new health care law. This goal, though not fleshed out in a detailed legislative proposal, is much more than a campaign slogan. That conclusion emerged from interviews with a wide range of Republican…

Fort Worth considers ways to address nutritional needs

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East and southeast Fort Worth community leaders, city officials and others took time Friday during an economic development summit that usually focuses on topics like transportation needs to talk about food. Not what was for lunch, but rather how to better meet nutritional needs and get fresh fruits and vegetables to the residents in areas under-served by supermarkets. Addressing…

Burgess, Barton Demand Obamacare Oversight Hearing

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House Republicans are again demanding Democrats hold oversight hearings on the implementation of Obamacare. They also want clarification of recent remarks made by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius that HHS seeks to “reeducate” Americans. Congressman Joe Barton (R-Texas), ranking Republican of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Michael Burgess…

Hutchison, Burgess Fight for Education Money

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Tags: Education

An effort to win Texas schools $830 million in federal funding is being made by U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Texas Congressman Michael Burgess. The two members of Congress have filed legislation to repeal language in H.R. 1586, which is a federal emergency education jobs bill. The language that’s targeted by the effort was originally put into the bill by Texas Congressman…

North Texas congressional delegation seeks more troops along border

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Several North Texas congressional members are calling on President Barack Obama to help secure the Texas-Mexico border by sending more troops. They are echoing a call by Gov. Rick Perry, who first asked the president for 1,000 National Guard troops in February 2009. And while members of Congress are glad that 250 Guard troops were sent to the border Aug. 1, they say it's not enough.…