Burgess in the News

Dr. Burgess on WFAA Inside Texas Politics: President Obama's Executive Order

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Dr. Burgess appeared on WFAA's Inside Texas Politics to discuss President Obama's executive order that would stop deporting and grant illegal immigrants work permits if they came to the United States as children. Dr. Burgess also discusses the pending ruling of the Supreme Court on the health care law.

Dr. Burgess with Dr. Carol Show: Transparency

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Dr. Burgess discusses two subjects of transparency: knowing the cost of health care outlined in legislation he's introduced, and the other subject is the lack of promised transparency in the deals made for President Obama's health care law. Please select the image below to play the audio file of the show segment.

Dr. Burgess' Op-Ed: The Waiting Room

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All the pacing and worry leading to anticipation of this month’s Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act has the characteristics of the waiting area outside a hospital delivery room. Everyone has strong opinions about what this ruling born of the court should look like. Why the acrimony? The high degree of concern is understandable when you consider how personal healthcare is to each of us and how widespread the law’s impact is on one-sixth of our economy. Yet, as experts line up and pundits weigh in, the hard-set opinions leave little room to operate.