Burgess in the News

UT Southwestern doctors: Moving discoveries from test tube to treatment

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It’s too expensive and takes too long to move medical discoveries to the patient's bedside, and federal support and funding for biomedical research in the United States has dropped more than 22 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars since 2003. Medical doctors, Ph.Ds and politicians gathered Tuesday at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas to discuss the 21st Century Cures Act.…

Genomics opens a bright new world

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I admit it, I’m a little jealous of people that are becoming doctors now. Yes, the government regulations are creating a heavy burden, and practicing medicine now is a lot tougher than when I became a physician. All of those problems overshadow a simple fact, though: This next generation of doctors will be able to alleviate suffering and cure diseases in ways never imagined.

Army Corps and Community Meeting

| Posted in Burgess in the News

Dr. Burgess spoke with the Army Corps of Engineers and local communities about utility easements and related regulations. You can watch the video below and view the USACE presentation here. Video streaming by Ustream