Burgess in the News

Dr. Burgess: Securing the Border Is the Most Humane Policy

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OpEd: Securing the Border Is the Most Humane Policy By: Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.  August 17, 2018 Each month, as many as tens of thousands stream across our southern border from Central American countries  without obtaining legal status. Thousands are unaccompanied alien children who have completed a perilous journey before even having reached the Rio…

Dr. Burgess Joins Lone Star Politics

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This weekend, Dr. Burgess sat down with Julie Fine and Rudy Bush on NBC 5's "Lone Star Politics" to discuss election security, America's growing economy, and Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

NBC 5: Rep. Michael Burgess Signs Letter Nominating President Trump for Nobel Prize

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Rep. Michael Burgess Signs Letter Nominating President Trump for Nobel Prize U.S. Representative Michael Burgess (R-Denton) is one of 18 lawmakers who wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee, nominating President Trump for a 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. “The larger arc of history is better served if there is peace on the Korean peninsula,” said Burgess. Burgess sat down with NBC…

Column: Tax reform making real difference for all

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Column: Tax Reform Making Real Difference for All By: Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D.  April 20, 2018 In 1986, our phones had cords, Ronald Reagan was president and a copy of the Denton Record-Chronicle cost 25 cents. It also was the last time Congress passed comprehensive tax reform -- until last fall. This spring, as attention turned to…

Dr. Burgess Honors Rep. Sam Johnson

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This week marks 45 years since Rep. Sam Johnson returned to Texas after spending nearly seven years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Dr. Burgess recently spoke on the House Floor in honor of his fellow Texan on this significant "Returniversary."

Dr. Burgess in the Dallas Morning News: CHIP Is Crucial for TX Families

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CHIP is crucial for many Texas families Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. Dallas Morning News January 25, 2018 During my time in Congress, I have learned that language used in political discussions often becomes riddled with cumbersome numbers. In some cases, the numbers thrown around in a spirited debate can lose their…