Burgess in the News

The Ripon Advance: House E&C committee members request briefing on nation’s substance abuse crisis

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by Ripon Advance News Service U.S. House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Committee members earlier this week requested a federal briefing on the nation’s latest substance abuse and overdose trends, how they are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and what additional measures the United States government should undertake to address the ongoing crisis. “While we continue to combat the…

Newsweek: GOP Lawmakers Reject Trump's Suggestion of Election Delay: U.S. Voted During 'Civil War,' '2 World Wars'

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by Benjamin Fearnow Several Republican lawmakers rejected President Donald Trump's suggestion of delaying the 2020 presidential election, with GOP lawmakers noting Americans voted during the Civil War, two world wars and a previous pandemic. Top Republicans ranging from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy rebuked Trump's Thursday tweet…

Radio+Television Business Report: LRFA Gains Support of Majority of House

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by RBR-TVBR A bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives now supports the Local Radio Freedom Act (LRFA) after 12 House Members added their cosponsorship to the resolution opposing “any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge” on local broadcast radio stations. The resolution, which signals Members of Congress’s opposition to any potential legislation that imposes…

Houston Chronicle: Oil industry could lose by gambling on carbon capture

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by Chris Tomlinson  Every morning, when I sit down behind my computer, I set my coffee cup on a coaster that reads: “A visionary CO2ncept for a Cleaner Tomorrow.” The graphic shows exhaust leaving a coal-fired power plant, running through a tower that extracts the carbon dioxide and then pushes it through a pipeline to an oilfield, where workers pump the greenhouse gas…

CISION: ACEP Applauds Introduction of Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act

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by American College of Emergency Physicians  WASHINGTON, July 29, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) strongly supports the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act, introduced today by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Todd Young (R-IN), Jack Reed (D-RI), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). This bill, named for the emergency physician tragically lost…

Employee Benefits Advisor: Amazon plans to launch 20 employee health centers

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by Kayla Webster Amazon employees won’t have to go far for relief if they throw out their back while shipping packages across the country. The online shopping giant plans to provide primary care to its workforce through 20 new health centers. Amazon is partnering with Crossover Health — a national medical group for self-insured employers — to begin work on the health centers, and…

The Washington Times: House passes four-bill, $260 billion spending package for 2021

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by David Sherfinski The House on Friday passed a first tranche of 2021 spending bills to fund parts of the federal government past September, with Democrats eager to lay down markers and push back on President Trump on issues ranging from the U.S.-Mexico border wall to the Confederate flag. The $259.5 billion package funds programs for the State Department, as well as agriculture,…

Life News: Democrats Pass Bill Forcing Americans to Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

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by Micaiah Bilger House Democrats approved a massive spending bill Friday that would reverse pro-life actions by President Donald Trump and force Americans to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion chain. The appropriations bill passed in a 244-189 party-line vote in the Democrat-controlled House. Within it are multiple measures to undermine pro-life policies and executive actions that…