
Roll Call: Oil-state lawmakers hope for resolution at OPEC

by Elvina Nawaguna Lawmakers who have been pushing the Trump administration to exert more pressure on Russia and Saudi Arabia to end their oil price impasse, will be watching OPEC’s Thursday meeting with greater-than-usual interest as they determine next steps to shore up a troubled sector. The virtual meeting, which was postponed from Monday, would be an opportunity for those countries and Russia to agree on production limits to stabilize markets, although an outcome is unpredictable. Oil-state lawmakers have been worried about the impact of disruptions on their constituents — oversupply has ... Read More »

A Doctor's note on Coronavirus

April 7, 2020 Dear Friends, I joined a bicameral effort with Senator John Hoeven (R-ND)and Representative Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX)to provide funding to purchase crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The SPR is a critical asset to ensure America’s energy security, and President Trump is right to request the SPR be filled while prices are low. This legislation provides support to American energy producers during this public health crisis, ensuring that made-in-America energy remains a strength for our country. Over the last decade America has emerged as a global leader in energy pr... Read More »

ICYMI: Burgess on Mornings With Maria: Congress Needs to Pause And See How The Relief Packages are Working

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health joined Mornings with Maria on Thursday. Here are the highlights: Question: “Is it too early to start adding more money to a potential fourth stimulus bill when it is really is not clear on how the third stimulus package will impact things?” Burgess: “That’s exactly the situation, it’s way too early. Look, the month of March Congress passed three unprecedented bills. We are not even going to feel the effects of the smal... Read More »

Rep. Michael C. Burgess M.D.: The Time Is Right for Health Care Reform

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health penned an oped for Real Clear Health. The Time Is Right for Health Care Reform Real Clear Health By Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. April 3, 2020 Now more than ever before, health care is on the minds of all Americans. And now more than ever before, market-based reform for health care is more achievable – and it is because of the policies that have been put into place by the Trump Administration. ... Read More »

Rep. Michael C. Burgess M.D.: Russia, OPEC Want to Bankrupt U.S. Industry. Here's What to Expect Next

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health penned an oped on the drivers of low oil prices during this public health emergency. Russia, OPEC want to bankrupt US industry. Here's what to expect next. Fox Business News By Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D. April 4, 2020 Over the past few months, America has fallen under siege. While our lives are threatened by a global pandemic and our markets are being burdened by social distancing, foreign na... Read More »

Houston Chronicle: Cornyn, Texas congressmen push $3 billion bill to buy crude

by James Osborne WASHINGTON - Sen. John Cornyn and a bipartisan group of Texas congressmen are preparing to introduce legislation that would fund a $3 billion purchase of oil for the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve. At a time the U.S. benchmark West Texas Intermediate oil is selling for less than $25 a barrel, the bill, which is sponsored by Texas Republican Michael Burgess of Denton, and Democrats Lizzie Fletcher of Houston, and Henry Cuellar of Laredo, is intended to help U.S. oil producers while filling up the petroleum reserve on the cheap. “Without swift action, the coronavirus could... Read More »

Williston Herald: Legislation would offer $3 billion in funding to fill strategic petroleum reserve with U.S. crude oil

Sen. John Hoeven, along with Representatives Lizzie Fletcher and Michael Burgess, announced Tuesday, April 7, that they are introducing bipartisan, bicameral legislation in the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives respectively to provide $3 billion in funding to purchase crude oil produced in the United States for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The legislation aligns with the request made by President Donald J. Trump and Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette to fill the SPR. The legislation is being cosponsored by Sens. John Cornyn, Kevin Cramer, Ted Cruz, Lisa Murkowski, Dan S... Read More »

WHTC: U.S. lawmakers introduce bill to fund oil purchase for emergency reserve

by Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers introduced a bill on Tuesday providing $3 billion to buy oil for the national emergency reserve as a way to help energy companies hit by the plunge in crude prices. The bill, which would have to be passed in the Senate and the House of Representatives and signed by President Donald Trump, was introduced by Senator John Hoeven and Representative Michael Burgess, both Republicans, and Representative Lizzie Fletcher, a Democrat. Representative Henry Cuellar, also a Democrat, is a cosponsor. The U.S. Department of Energ... Read More »

Market Screener: Sens. Cruz, Hoeven & Reps. Fletcher, Burgess to Introduce Legislation Providing $3 Billion in Funding to Fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve With U.S. Crude Oil

HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.), along with Reps. Lizzie Fletcher (D-Texas) and Michael Burgess (R-Texas), and House and Senate colleagues today announced they are introducing bipartisan, bicameral legislation to provide $3 billion in funding to purchase crude oil produced in the United States for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). The legislation aligns with the request made by President Trump and Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette to fill the SPR. Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), ... Read More »

Dallas Morning News: Texas lawmakers back $3B oil purchase to stabilize global markets, refill strategic U.S. reserve

by Paul Cobler WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of lawmakers from Texas called Tuesday for a $3 billion federal purchase of oil to replenish the nation’s strategic reserve and prop up an energy sector rattled by a price war and global drop in demand during the coronavirus outbreak. “Without swift action, the coronavirus could have a devastating impact on Texas’ energy producers and their workforce,” Sen. John Cornyn said. “This legislation would help support small to midsize producers and Texas workers while enhancing national security during this uncertain time.” Cornyn and fellow Texas Sen. T... Read More »