Press Releases

ICYMI: Burgess on Mornings With Maria: Congress Needs to Pause And See How The Relief Packages are Working

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health joined Mornings with Maria on Thursday.

Here are the highlights:

Question: “Is it too early to start adding more money to a potential fourth stimulus bill when it is really is not clear on how the third stimulus package will impact things?”

Burgess: “That’s exactly the situation, it’s way too early. Look, the month of March Congress passed three unprecedented bills. We are not even going to feel the effects of the small business loans until tomorrow. I do think it’s appropriate to take a pause and let’s see how they [Coronavirus Relief Packages] work, see how they don’t work, and see what needs to be fixed.”

Question: “If there is a fourth [relief] package should there be private partnerships in infrastructure?

Burgess: “There’s no question [that] the need for significant infrastructure investment exists, because it did before the virus started … Now a good idea might be that we do our job for a change, do the regular order. If there’s a [an infrastructure] bill that’s needed, then [Congress] should do our work. We should do the hearings, we should assemble the data, come up with a number, pass it on the House floor, send it to the Senate and then see if the President will sign it … These response bills are to help people through a tough patch.”

To watch the full interview, click here.

