
Burgess Joins House Republicans’ Commitment to America

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, joined House Republicans’ plan, "Commitment to America." "On the steps of the House of Representatives, House Republicans renewed our commitment to preserve the American way of life. Leader McCarthy’s plan to Restore, Rebuild, and Renew lays out the road map for what Americans are seeking now. Americans want to defeat this Coronavirus, they want to know that their communities will be safe, and they want their Consti... Read More »

Burgess: President Trump is committed to his promises

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, released the following statement in support of President Trump holding a signing ceremony for the Abraham Accord, an agreement that establishes diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain. "What America witnessed today was one more way that President Trump is working to bring peace to the Middle East and put an end to enduring conflicts. This historic signing by Prime ... Read More »

Forth Worth Star Telegram: Politicians are inviting anarchy in cities such as Dallas if they defund the police

by Rebekah Warwick Public safety is a crucial function of government at all levels. Millions of Americans want to know that their homes, schools, businesses and neighborhoods are safe from lawlessness. They want to know that in an emergency, they won’t be left with a dial-tone and help will be on the way swiftly when danger comes. But what we’ve seen over the course of this year is politicians and cities in Texas and nationwide surrendering to the movement to “defund the police.” Americans watched this play out when the mayor of Minneapolis was bombarded by protestors because he refused their ... Read More »

The Daily Hodl: US Lawmakers Set to Vote on Two Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Proposals

by Daily Hodl Staff The Consumer Safety Technology Act now incorporates the Digital Taxonomy Act and Blockchain Innovation Act – and is set to be debated in the House of Representatives. Introduced by Rep. Jerry McNerney of California and Michael Burgess of Texas, the Consumer Safety Technology Act, which is the recently amended version of the AI for Consumer Product Safety Act, will mandate that the Consumer Product Safety Commission utilize artificial intelligence in tracking and identifying consumer product-related injuries and hazards. It will also use AI to screen the sale of products tha... Read More »

Is Artificial Intelligence Smarter Than Humans?

When you hear the words “artificial intelligence,” images of Skynet from the Terminator movies might pop in your mind. Although this scenario makes for good cinema, it is far from the reality of how artificial intelligence operates. Artificial intelligence is already present in our daily lives through our smartphones, Internet-connected devices, voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, medical diagnostics, and others. But what is artificial intelligence and does its potential to augment human capabilities outweigh the threat of world takeover – or the risks of a malfunctioning computer system? Wh... Read More »

Remembering 9/11

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was performing surgery on a patient when a nurse burst into the emergency room and informed us that a plane flew into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. The events of that morning obviously changed the lives of many people. But, as unlikely as this may seem, in far away and safe North Texas, my life abruptly changed that morning, too. The impact of that day left me feeling utterly irrelevant in the world. I suspect the feeling was rooted in the fact that my work had nothing to do with protecting my country or my children’s future. By chance, my... Read More »

Burgess to Fox and Friends First: Pelosi’s leadership is no way to run the House

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, appeared on Fox and Friends First this week to discuss the stalemate in Congress over further coronavirus legislation. Here are the highlights: Nancy Pelosi refuses to negotiate: We’ve done three and a half bipartisan response bills to this coronavirus and it’s only been since Speaker Pelosi decided she wanted everything on the table at once last may that the negotiations came to a halt. The Democrats HEROES Act is ... Read More »

Forbes: Congress Moves Closer To Consensus On Regulatory Clarity For Digital Tokens And Blockchain

by Jason Brett The House Energy And Commerce Committee held a marathon legislative hearing marking up 38 bills today, including successfully reporting out to the full House two bills that included crypto and blockchain studies. Part of the Digital Taxonomy Act made it out of Committee as well, representing the farthest a bill addressing regulatory clarity for blockchain tokens has gotten in the 116th Congress thus far. Congressman Jerry McEnery (D-CA) offered an amendment in the nature of a substitute with Congressman Michael Burgess (R-TX) and Congressman Brett Guthrie (R-KY). McEnery shared ... Read More »

The Cross Timbers Gazette: Governor Abbott announces legislative proposal against defunding the police

by CTG Staff Governor Greg Abbott on Thursday held a press conference at the Austin Police Association where he joined other state leaders to sign the Texas Backs The Blue Pledge against defunding the police. The Governor also announced a new legislative proposal to discourage cities from defunding law enforcement. Under this proposal, cities that defund the police will lose their annexation powers, and residents in areas that have been annexed by the city will be able to vote to dis-annex from the city. The Governor was joined by House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, Attorney General Ken Paxton, and m... Read More »

Burgess Highlights Bipartisan Efforts in Opening Remarks

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, delivered the following remarks during today’s Energy and Commerce Committee markup. As prepared for delivery: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As the Republican Leader of the Health Subcommittee, I appreciate the inclusion of nearly 30 bipartisan health bills in this markup today. I know the immense amount of work that has gone into preparing these bills for this markup and would like to take a moment to thank the health s... Read More »