Press Releases

Burgess to Fox and Friends First: Pelosi’s leadership is no way to run the House

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), a member of the House Rules Committee and Republican Leader of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health, appeared on Fox and Friends First this week to discuss the stalemate in Congress over further coronavirus legislation.

Here are the highlights: 

Nancy Pelosi refuses to negotiate: We’ve done three and a half bipartisan response bills to this coronavirus and it’s only been since Speaker Pelosi decided she wanted everything on the table at once last may that the negotiations came to a halt. 

The Democrats HEROES Act is unreasonable: I mean, you have a leader of the House of Representatives who’s just literally put a marker out there last May that was a non-starter. Twelve of [Democrats] voted against it.

A vaccine will make a huge difference in the fight against the virus – but social distancing has also proved to be effective:  You know we’re going to get this vaccine—my prediction is right at the end of October, beginning of November. It is going to be a game changer, it really is. But you see people beginning to develop the confidence and doing it in a smart way: no large gatherings and these people are using their face masks, social distancing is still followed, we all wash our hands a lot more times than we think is necessary. It does seem to be working.