Press Releases

Burgess Introduces Amendment in Science Committee

Road Weather Research and Development Program

Toady, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26) proposed an amendment before the House Committee on Science concerning the Road Weather Research and Development Program. As a member of both the House Science Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Congressman Burgess believes introducing this amendment is essential to the safety of millions of Americans everyday.

Congressman Michael Burgess’ amendment would establish a National Road Weather Research Development Program. Although similar programs are in place, there is no federal program. This national program will maximize the use of current, available road weather information and technologies to enhance roadway safety, capacity and efficiency while minimizing environmental impacts.

“Most Americans love their cars,” stated Congressman Michael Burgess. “And most Americans watch their local weather stations to hear about conditions out on-the-road. By establishing this program, we can integrate our technologies and communication efforts to provide drivers, across the country, with the most accurate and up-to-date information about the roads they will be traveling.”

The Road Weather Research and Development Program improves education and training of road weather information users such as state and local transportation officials and private sector transportation contractors. After enhancing the national road weather program, efforts will be made to have this same program developed in other modes such as aviation.