Press Releases

Rep. Burgess Says More than Band-Aide Solutions are Needed to Fix the FDA

Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas), M.D., today urged Congress to work together to apply real problem-solving methods to repair the shortcomings revealed by the latest FDA self-assessment:

“I learned in my private medical practice that the only way to truly fix the ailments of my patients was to make sure the patient’s entire system was healthy. Putting a band-aide on a broken arm never worked. This applies to policy problems at the federal level as well.

We cannot fall into the trap of just throwing money at a problem and calling that a solution. There is no doubt in my mind that an increase in resources is needed at the FDA, but these resources must be invested wisely, and we must remember that money is not the answer to every problem.

Today we need to carefully analyze the FDA’s problems and try to reach common-sense and fiscally responsible solutions. Regardless of what some might say increasing Federal spending can’t fix everything.”
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