Press Releases

Rep. Burgess Says Covering Our Kids Is Going To Take More than Hearings and Hot Air

Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas), M.D., today urged Congress to put politics aside and work together to ensure all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care:

“We can keep holding health care reform hearings where we deliver emotional speeches and partisan sound bites about the uninsured. But, what we really need to do is stop talking and start acting. That is what the American people expect and what they send us to Washington to do.

Despite the political rhetoric of an election year, we should put partisanship aside and work together to cover uninsured Americans. We can begin by crafting common sense insurance reforms that contain cost and extend coverage and by rejecting mandates that expand the reach of the federal government into private health care.

If we can put differences aside to put a man on the moon and end the Cold War, we can work together to make health care affordable and accessible to all Americans.”

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