
The Burgess November Bulletin



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H.R. 4116, the Veterans Healthcare Stamp Act

On Thursday, November 8, 2007, just three days before Veterans Day, Rep. Burgess introduced H.R. 4116, the Veterans Healthcare Stamp Act of 2007, which aims at improving funding for programs that provide healthcare for veterans.

The optional first-class stamp will be available for a slightly higher cost than the first-class rate. The additional funds raised through the purchase of this stamp would be sent to a program within the Department of Veterans Affairs dedicated to increasing veteran’s access to healthcare.

The stamp will be similar to the Breast Cancer Research Stamp, which has raised over $54 million.  A few cents might not seem like much, but it adds up.

“Like most of you, I feel strongly about those who voluntarily dedicated their lives to the protection of our freedoms. The purpose of this legislation is to provide the American public with an individual opportunity to supplement the cost of providing healthcare for men and women who have served their country honorably through military service. With this legislation we can join together to give back to those who have given so much. The Veterans Healthcare Stamp Act is built upon the notion that Americans are proud, considerate, and companionate people and when they are given the opportunity they will support our nation’s veterans. This bill gives each American the opportunity to directly support America’s bravest men and women.”

H.R. 3967, The Imported Food Safety Improvement Act of 2007

Food and Product Safety

On October 25, 2007, Rep. Burgess introduced H.R. 3967, the Imported Food Safety Improvement Act of 2007. This bill would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to require foreign countries to take more responsibility for the foods they send to the United States. H.R. 3967 also allows the FDA to embargo a specific food from a specific country if there were repeated instances of that food being found contaminated when it arrived in the United States.

Over the last few months, Rep. Burgess has become more and more concerned with the growing number of consumer product and food recalls, with the majority of the recalled products coming from the People's Republic of China. Rep. Burgess has been in the forefront of developing more effective and efficient ways to ensure that these harmful products do not enter America's commerce.

"It is distressing to once again hear of new product recalls every day. I am extremely disturbed by this ongoing problem. I am not clear how these dangerous ingredients end up in our products, but I am clear on one thing: time after time these toys have come from the People's Republic of China, and now is the time for that to stop. With Christmas just around the corner, Americans should not have to second-guess the safety of the products they purchase."

To see the latest list of recalled food products, and to sign up for their recall alerts, please visit the FDA website recall list at

To see the latest list of recalled products, please visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s recall list at

To sign up for the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s recall alert list, including the capability to sign up for the alerts in Spanish, please visit

Click here to read Rep. Burgess’ statement on the “Aqua Dots” toy recall

Click here to watch the video of Rep. Burgess’ floor speech titled “A Growing Problem: Food Safety and Product Recalls”

Health Care – State Children’s Health Insurance Program

On October 25, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives voted again to reauthorize the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Rep. Burgess, who was a doctor for over 25 years before heading up to Washington, DC to represent the 26th District of Texas in Congress, believes, like many Americans, that the SCHIP bill should focus on providing health care insurance for the poorest kids first. The Democrats’ plan would extend coverage to adults, those who are in our country illegally, and children who are already covered by or are eligible for private health insurance. The current extension of the program is set to expire Friday, December 14, 2007, so Congress must act before that date to either authorize another extension, or pass a bill whose goal is to provide health care insurance to America’s poorest children first.

“This debate is not about money; it is about freedom. And it is also critical to remember to focus on what is necessary to do to cover the poor kids. And every opportunity for expansion, every opportunity for expansion based on income set-asides, expanding covering adults, expanding covering people in the country without the benefit of a Social Security number, every time we expand the benefit, we limit the benefit for the poor and the near poor, the initial population that we were supposed to be covering. We can't cover those other populations at the expense of people that we are required to take care of.

“Finding more of the truly eligible children is hard work. It's hard work, but it's the right thing to do. Hard work first. It is the right thing to do.”

Congressman Burgess’ statement on SCHIP

Click here to watch Rep. Burgess’ floor colloquy with Rep. Dingell regarding SCHIP

Transportation - Denton County Receives $1.56 billion for Future Road Projects

The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) recently made recommendations on the distribution of proceeds from the State Highway 121 (S.H. 121) toll road. Denton County will receive approximately 53 percent of the revenue generated by S.H. 121, or roughly $1.56 billion. Final decisions on how to spend the money is expected by January 24, 2008. Until then, County officials will hold County Workshops in November and December to determine which projects to select within their County.

“The Texas Department of Transportation has provided clear and well-documented evidence that as early as next year, Texas will only have maintenance funds available and that no funds will be available for new construction. Our transportation system is vital to the quality of life of North Texans, and we must continue to seek innovative funding methods to keep up with the ever- increasing demands on our infrastructure.”

Energy Efficiency – Rep. Burgess Visits Texas teams competing in the Solar Decathlon on the National Mall in Washington, DC

The Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy hosted the third Solar Decathlon on the National Mall October 12-20, 2007. Thursday, October 18, 2007, Congressman Michael Burgess toured the Solar Village and visited the University of Texas and Texas A&M University solar homes on display there.

"What an outstanding opportunity to display the talented minds from the state of Texas. The sooner we can get these young, talented students professionally trained and out into the world of solar power and energy efficiency the better off we will all be. We've got plenty of sun, and a vital need to conserve energy and water, so I'm extremely excited about the work being done at these institutions."

Rep. Burgess discusses the "Bloomhouse" with a member of the University of Texas Solar Decathlon team.

Click here to view more pictures of Rep. Burgess’ visit to the Solar Decathlon.


2007 Congressional Veteran Commendation Ceremony

Rep. Burgess, although he was unable to attend the event due to the voting schedule of the House of Representatives, recognized the five veterans who received this year’s Congressional Veteran Commendation (CVC). The CVC was created three years ago to honor the distinguished veterans of Texas’ 26th Congressional District.

This year’s commendations were presented at the fifth annual “Salute Our Veterans” luncheon sponsored by the Highland Village Business Association and the City of Highland Village. The five recipients of this year’s Congressional Veteran Commendation are Walter Dyer of Highland Village, Susanne Hechinger of Flower Mound, James Mariades of Copper Canyon, William Springfield of Flower Mound, and Edward Weir of Denton.

Gen. Charlie Hamm, who chaired the Congressional Veteran Commendation Review Board and was a past recipient, presented this year’s commendations on behalf of Congressman Burgess. Other members of the Review Board and past recipients as well are Johnnie Bulen, Reby Cary, Thomas Blagg, Woodrow Wilson Burch and Ivan Glasscock

In addition to recognizing this year’s Congressional Veterans Commendation recipients, former Highland Village Mayor Lawrence was presented with his father’s Congressional Gold Medal for his father’s service with the Tuskegee Airman. U.S. Army SPC Robbie Strauch of Flower Mound was presented the Purple heart Medal in recognition of the wounds he sustained in Iraq while serving as a member of the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team.

“These extraordinary individuals were honored for their patriotic, dedicated service in the Armed Forces of the United States and continued beneficial service to their communities. They have not only served in our armed forces but have also continued their dedication to the nation by working tirelessly on behalf of their fellow veterans and serving the people of their communities.”

“Thank you again to all the veterans for your service to the United State of America. On behalf of the citizens of the 26th District and of a grateful nation, we are forever in your debt.”

Pictured, left to right: Lt. Gen. Charlie Hamm, (USAF, Ret.) of Argyle, Lt. Col. Walter Dyer (USAF, Ret.) of Highland Village, Col. James P. Mariades (USMC, Ret.) of Copper Canyon, Lt. Col. Edward Weir, (U.S. Air Corps/USAF, Ret.) of Denton, William Springfield (Capt., USMC) of Flower Mound, Col. Susanne Hechinger, (USAF/TX ANG, Ret.) of Flower Mound, and Former Highland Village Mayor Bill Lawrence (Col. USAF, Ret.).

Pictured: (left) U.S. Army SPC Robbie Strauch of Flower Mound holding Purple Heart medal, and (right) Former Highland Village Mayor Bill Lawrence (Col. USAF, Ret.) holding his father’s Tuskegee Airmen Congressional Gold Medal.

Burgess names area leaders to Service Academy Board

Rep. Burgess recently announced the members of his 2007 Service Academy Advisory Board. The thirteen-member board advises Rep. Burgess upon the selection of qualified service academy candidates. The board’s purpose is to comprehensively screen and interview high school and college applicants wishing to receive a congressional nomination; the board then makes recommendations to Congressman Burgess for final review and nominations are sent to the individual service academies (U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY, U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD, U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY) for appointment consideration.

“One of the privileges I have serving in the U.S. House of Representatives is the opportunity to nominate outstanding young people from the 26th District to our nation’s service academies. We have an excellent group of former military, education and civic leaders serving on the Advisory Board. In this tumultuous time in our nation’s history, many young people in our area have expressed their interest in serving their country by attending one of our nation’s service academies. After a rigorous selection process, I look forward to receiving the recommendations of this outstanding board.”

(L-R): Earl Russell, Tom Russell, Richard Wells, Gene Collett, Peter Stamps, Peter Strohla, Elaine Emery, Congressman Michael Burgess, Mary Saunders, Pete Lane, Rich Walker, Will Hagan, Charlie Hamm, Mark Lambright

Click here to view a full list of this year’s Board Members

Renaissance Communities Economic Development Summit

For the third consecutive year, Rep. Burgess hosted an economic development summit aimed at focusing efforts towards revitalizing the Southeast Tarrant County communities in the 26th Congressional District of Texas. Co-hosted by Public Forum Institute (PFI), this year’s event was widely-attended by area elected officials, business leaders, and community stakeholders all with the same goal in mind: re-development of the “Renaissance Communities.” Highlights from this year’s Summit included presentations and discussions focused on:

  • Transportation, Urban Village Projects, and the Social Compact Drilldown
  • Economic impact of the new VA Clinic
  • Workforce development through business and education
  • Comprehensive education and economic development perspectives

The two-day event included a Federal Job Fair on Friday, September 21, 2007, which was open to the public, as well as a Faith-Based Grant Workshop that was open to faith-based, community development and non-profit organizations that serve the Renaissance Communities.

“Through these efforts, the communities are making progress to stabilize an environment where families and businesses can take root, grow and thrive. It hasn't been an easy process. But I am acutely aware that if it was easy it would have already been accomplished and in the relatively short period of time I'm encouraged by the initial steps. They are slow relative to the expectations in other parts of my district, but will likely have an even greater meaning to these communities who have watched decades pass with little progress.”

Rep. Burgess speaks with Fort Worth City Mayor Moncrief at the third annual Renaissance Communities Economic Development Summit.

Congressional Youth Advisory Council Meeting Brings Together Area Student Leaders and Elected Officials

Submitted by Parker L., a Home School Junior from Valley View

In its second year of existence, the Congressional Youth Advisory Council’s (CYAC) first meeting of the 2007-08 school year was held at the North Richland Hills City Hall on Saturday, October 27, 2007. The discussion topic was intergovernmental relations and relayed to the attending students by elected officials representing federal, state and local government who must day-by-day stay in touch with other leaders to mutually serve their communities and constituencies. The knowledgeable panel of public servants included: U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (TX-26); Representative Kelly Hancock, Texas House District 91; Glen Whitley, Tarrant County Judge; Bobbie Mitchell, Denton County Commissioner Precinct 3; Gary Hollowell, Commissioner Cooke County Precinct 1; and the host, Oscar Trevino, Mayor, City of North Richland Hills.

Forty junior and senior high school students, who were nominated by the principals of their schools, attended the meeting and interacted with the government panel, posing questions related to their roles of elected officials. Youth attending represented high schools from all over the 26th congressional district, including public, private, and home schools.

The goal of the CYAC is to provide the means by which students can learn how government works, the challenges public servants face each day, and to inform students how they can serve their community now and in the future. It’s a one-on-one environment designed specifically for youth to ask questions and receive answers directly from those who know. There will be three more CYAC meetings this school year, each one covering a different subject matter.

Click here to learn more about CYAC, and read the student reports.

Surrounded by Congressional Youth Advisory Council students, pictured in the center, left to right, are: North Richland Hills Mayor Oscar Trevino, Texas Representative Kelly Hancock, Bobbie Mitchell, Congressman Michael Burgess, Judge Glen Whitley, and County Commissioner Gary Hollowell.

CYAC Meeting with U.S. Army SPC Robbie Strauch, November 8, 2007

Submitted by Lauren W., Coram Deo Junior from Flower Mound

November 11th, Veterans Day, often we think of elderly gentlemen that have experienced a long full life, but rarely do we imagine young men just shaking off the sands of the desert. Before the “Salute Our Veterans” Luncheon in Highland Village, thirty students, who are members of the Congressional Youth Advisory Council (CYAC) , including myself, had the distinct honor and privilege to speak for thirty minutes with U.S. Army SPC Robbie Strauch about his service in Iraq with the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team. He told us of Iraq, the Iraqi people, our soldiers, and even the day that he and his unit were attacked and he was seriously injured and rushed to the hospital. After he spoke for a few minutes, he was inundated by questions from the students. “Sir, what was you motivation?, “What is it like over there?, “What can we do to help?” All of these queries he patiently answered.

Perhaps the most interesting and telling information he shared with us was his motivation. He was not driven by the pursuit of glory in battle or fame. Instead he fought for the children of both Iraq and America. He said that every child deserves a chance to have a life not destroyed by adults. Needless to say SPC Strauch is a man of high morals and a role model to all young people. He inspired our patriotism and caused us to think about how truly fortunate we were to live in this great country. Later that morning, at the luncheon, SPC Strauch was awarded a Purple Heart medal in recognition of the wounds he sustained as a result of hostile enemy action in Iraq just one year ago.

U.S. Army SPC Robbie Strauch speaks to CYAC students prior to “Salute Our Veterans” Luncheon.

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Switch available November 15th – December 31st

Medicare recipients have the opportunity to evaluate their current prescription drug plan and switch if they are not satisfied between November 15th and December 31st, 2007. If you are satisfied with your current plan, you do not need to do anything. However, if you are not satisfied, now is the time to switch plans, because the next opportunity will not be until November 2008.

For more information, please call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).



“Cooke County Community Office Hours”

Representatives of Congressman Michael Burgess’ office are available to take opinions on various issues and assist individuals with claims through federal agencies. Please contact Robin Vaughan in the Lewisville District Office at (972) 434-9700 for more information:

Monday, November 26: Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge Town Hall
Town Council Chambers
129 Oak Ridge Drive
Gainesville TX 76240

Monday, December 10: Gainesville
Gainesville City Hall
Conference Room
200 South Rusk
Gainesville, TX 76240

Write Your Representative

To email Congressman Burgess, please click on the above link and follow the simple directions outlined on the website. This process ensures that we receive emails from 26th Congressional District of Texas residents only.

1224 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-7772

1660 South Stemmons Freeway, Suite 230
Lewisville, TX 75067
(972) 434-9700

Located at the Resource Connection of Tarrant County campus
1100 Circle Drive, Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX 76119
(817) 531-8454