Floor Statements

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 - One Minute

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to express my strong support for the passage of the conference report of The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. As a member of the bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus and a physician who dedicated over two decades of my life to a pro-life obstetrics practice, I believe this unnecessary procedure should be banned.

As a physician who delivered over 3,000 babies, I am personally opposed to any type of abortion. But in particular, the only reason to select the partial birth abortion procedure is to ensure the baby is dead when delivered. As a physician, I recognize that serious complications can occur during the last trimester of pregnancy. However, if the mother’s health dictates that the pregnancy must be concluded, and normal birth is not possible, the baby may be delivered by C-section. Whether the infant lives or dies depends on the severity of the medical complications and the degree of prematurity, but that outcome is dictated by the disease process itself. The fate of the infant during the partial birth procedure is predetermined by the nature of the procedure performed, and it is always fatal.

During my two decades of practice of obstetrics, with my share of high-risk pregnancies, I NEVER encountered a situation where the partial birth procedure was required. I believe it is an inhumane act that is NEVER medically necessary. The procedure itself, always fatal to the baby, carries substantial risk for the mother as well.
I strongly support the passage of the conference report of The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. I believe the U.S. Constitution is very clear when it guarantees a right to life. Partial birth abortion has no place in civilized society. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I yield the floor.